North Alabama Sierra Club December 2017 Newsletter

Remember to Vote!


The special election to fill Jeff Sessions' U.S. Senate seat is Tuesday, December 12. You can apply for an absentee ballot until December 7. This is an important election and your vote can make a difference!



Christmas Party – Thursday, December 14, at the Huntsville Public Library Downtown!

One more holiday party to add to your calendar! The annual Christmas Party for the North Alabama Sierra Club will be Thursday, December 14 at 6:00pm in the auditorium of the Huntsville Public Library downtown at 915 Monroe St. The club will provide turkey and ham and beverages. Please bring your favorite side dish or dessert to share. We welcome vegetable dishes! Note: If you come at 5:00 you can help us set up! Come join us and catch up with old friends and make some new ones.


Election for new Excom Members

The local Sierra Club group could not function without the hard work of the members of the Executive Committee. This year there are two Excom members up for re-election and two new positions are being added to the Excom. You can also write-in a candidate. Members of the local club should have received a post card ballot in the mail. You can mark the postcard and return it by December 10 to the address on the card, or turn it in at the Christmas Party. 


New Excom positions:

 - Member Engagement Chair

 The Chair meets and welcomes new members and volunteers for the Group, and works with all sections of the Group to help provide people necessary to achieve the Group’s goals. The Chair ensures that people are welcomed and engaged in a way that is satisfying and furthers the Group’s mission.

- Grassroots Communications Chair


This position has been created to strengthen the Club’s ability to influence public opinion at both the national and local levels. The GCC will serve as a ‘bridge’ between the local group, chapter and the national Sierra Club’s strategic conservation messaging work. S/he will work with the Club’s national and regional media teams to localize national conservation messages and to incorporate local concerns into national messages. The GCC will be responsible for working with local issue activists on framing and talking about conservation issues.


Members running for the Executive Committee:

Steve Jackson

Hiking has been a hobby of mine since I was a Boy Scout, spending many a day and some nights hiking the hills of Madison and Jackson Counties. I have also hiked in the Appalachians, Sierra Nevada, Rocky Mountains and Southern Cascades Ranges. This time in the woods has led to a deep appreciation of our natural world and the need to protect it from the onslaught of "civilization.” My wife Beth and I also support other fine organizations such as the Nature Conservancy, NRDC, etc. I am currently the Club Vice-president and Program chair and enjoy my role as an outings leader and the benefits it provides me, my fellow hikers and the Club. 


Kirsten Malone 

Hello, I’m Kirsten Malone. For the most part, I grew up in Huntsville but moved back 3 years ago after living out of state for many years. As most fellow Sierra Club members, I love the outdoors and enjoy exploring all the amazing places Mother Nature has provided us.  The last few months I've participated in the Sierra Club sponsored hikes and have been grateful for the adventure the guides have created for the local community. Thanks to their time and effort, I have even a greater appreciation for the wonderful trails that can be found in Alabama and Tennessee. After participating in these hikes and attending a club sponsored speaker event, I decided recently to join the Sierra Club and support the great work others are doing on behalf of the program.

Summer Rehkop

I’ve always been an “outdoors person”, however, I just started hiking about 3 years ago and fell in love with it.  Hiking has really changed my perspective and deepened my appreciation for the natural areas. I recognize the need to preserve these areas if they are to be around for future generations.  I believe the Sierra Club is a wonderful organization that is taking a stand to protect the beautiful, natural areas and the club is a great way to educate the community through group hiking experiences. 

Patricia Wales

I have been a member of the Sierra Club over 7 years and a hike leader the last 4 years.  I have hiked and backpacked in Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, Colorado and Montana.  I am passionate about keeping our local hiking trails available and in good condition.  I have a deep appreciation of the outdoors and all creatures we share it with.  I’m an advocate of Leave No Trace Principles.  I want to help keep our local chapter growing any way I can.

Many Thanks to Carolyn Brooks!

Carolyn Brooks has stepped down as the club chairperson. We want to thank her for all the work she put into the local Sierra Club over the last two years. Thank you, Carolyn!


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Hike Ratings

Easy - Less than 5 miles, no serious elevation changes, no trail obstacles.

Moderate - 5 to 10 miles, some elevation changes or rough trail (rock hopping), or trail obstacles such as creek crossings.

Strenuous - Over 10 miles, substantial elevation change, rocky, obstructed or nonexistent trail.

Exploratory - any event where the leader has not experienced the event; may fit any class above.

Note. Participants of Sierra Club outings are required to sign a waiver.

Saturday, December 9 Hiking 101 Basics. Easy.  

Are you interested in hiking but not sure where to start? Join us for this Hikers’ 101 - Basic Hiking event. We will start with a brief talk about how to get started hiking. We will talk about equipment needed and what to expect. We will then talk about some of the local hiking opportunities and about some training plans to get in shape to tackle some of the tougher hikes. After the talk we will hike on one of the Land Trust’s newer trails, the Oak Park Trail. This will be about a 3-mile hike with some limited elevation gain. You will need to have sturdy, comfortable shoes and at least 1 liter of water. You may want to bring some snacks, walking stick/trekking poles, sunscreen, bug spray, a camera and maybe some friends. Dress for the weather. Dogs on leashes who like hiking are welcome. Meet at 10:00am at the Oak Park Trailhead, 2250 Oakwood Avenue NE, Huntsville, AL. We will meet at the Picnic Pavilion. Any questions, email Aaron at 

Thursday, December 14 - North Alabama Sierra Club Christmas Party. Easy and Yummy.

Join us as we celebrate the Holidays!  6:00pm. Turkey, ham and drinks will be provided. Pot-luck on sides and desserts. Vegetable dishes are always welcome (hint, hint). Madison Country Public Library – 915 Monroe St, Huntsville, AL 35801.

Saturday, December 16 - Monte Sano Hike. Moderate.

Enjoy the holiday season on Huntsville’s jewel on this 6-7 mile hike, exploring trails in the State Park. Dress for the weather and wear sturdy shoes. Bring a camera, water, snacks and some cash for the park entrance. Meet at the Hikers Parking Lot at 8:30am; the hike leaves at 9:00am sharp. Leashed dogs are welcome. Rain cancels this hike. Questions, contact Patricia at

Monday, January 1 - Get Rid of the Hangover Hike. Easy.

Meet at Sam Denham's house, 4333 Chickasaw Dr. in Huntsville, at 1:00pm for an afternoon hike in Monte Sano State Park. May include some off-trail hiking and a brief rock-hop. Hot cider and more by the fireplace after the hike. Please bring finger food to share. For more information, please contact Sam Denham at 256-539-1033.


Saturday, January 13 - Hike and Breakfast - Dutch Oven Breakfast, AKA Hillbilly Quiche

Meet Mckay Hollow/Rocky Nightmare Ramble – 6.5 miles – Moderate in difficulty.  We will meet at the small pavilion at the lookout in Monte Sano State Park.  The hike will last about 2.5 to 3 hours.  Hike starts at 9:00, breakfast served at 8:30.  No cost.  Bring Water or Hydration.  There will be a waiver to sign.  Questions contact Steve at