Electronic Delivery of Materials for Sierra Club Annual Board of Directors Elections

Thank you for choosing to sign up for electronic delivery of your ballot and ballot statement for the Sierra Club annual Board of Directors elections (the "Ballot Materials").

Please carefully read this page, fill out the required information and click on the button below to submit the required paperless consent form.

You will receive an e-mail notice from the Club’s election services company (Election Services Corporation) in early March of each year for which you are eligible to vote in the Club’s Board of Directors election telling you how to access the Ballot Materials on the Internet.

In addition to using the e-mail address you provide on this form for purposes of electronic delivery of the Ballot Materials, you will be registered as a member of the Club's online community, be eligible to receive a variety of communications, and manage your individual contact preferences related to electronic communications.  

Before you complete this consent form, please read the section below on "Important Considerations and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)." You may want to save this page to your computer (or print it off) for future reference.

Important Considerations

  • Your consent will be effective for all future Sierra Club Board of Directors elections for which you are eligible to vote, and will continue in effect if your e-mail address is current or until your electronic consent is cancelled by you. 

  • By consenting to electronic delivery and for as long as your consent remains effective, you are agreeing to receive the Ballot Materials online and you waive the delivery of printed materials. You may always revoke your consent or specifically request that a copy of these materials be mailed to you, as described below. 

  • If, during a distribution, your e-mail address proves to be invalid (and our election vendor or the Club receives a bounce-back notice from the e-mail), your enrollment in this electronic delivery service will be cancelled and you will receive a paper copy of the Ballot Materials. You will be able to re-enroll at this website with your new e-mail address for future elections. 

  • The e-mail notice of the availability of the Ballot Materials will come from the Club’s election services provider (Election Services Corporation), not from the Club directly. If you utilize the filtering or anti-spam features of your e-mail program, it is imperative that you add the election services provider as an approved sender of e-mail, otherwise the e-mail notice may not be delivered to your e-mail in-box. In many instances, e-mail caught in a spam filter will not "bounceback" to the sender as undeliverable so we will not know that you have not received the e-mail. It is your responsibility to configure your e-mail filter appropriately to be able to receive the e-mails pertaining to the Ballot Materials. Neither the Club nor Election Services Corporation will be responsible or liable for e-mails sent to an e-mail address that you provide to us that are subsequently caught in a spam filter. The email address to be used by Electronic Services Corporation will be: sierraclub@electionservicescorp.com

  • If you’ve joined the Club as a joint member with someone else, one member cannot sign up to receive electronic materials while the other continues to receive hard copies of the materials. If one Member consents to receive the Ballot Materials electronically, then the other joint member cannot opt to receive a hard copy of the materials. If one joint member wishes to continue to receive hard copies of the Ballot Materials, then you should not opt into electronic delivery. 

  • If you sign up for electronic delivery of Ballot Materials after February 1 of any year, you will not receive the documents electronically for that year’s election. Instead, you will receive a hard copy of the Ballot Materials for that year’s election, and electronic materials for subsequent elections for which you are eligible to vote.

  • If you are an Introductory Member of the Club, you can still sign up for electronic ballot distribution now and you will receive the Ballot Materials electronically starting with the first election after you renew your membership and become eligible to vote.

  • This consent only applies to the Club’s national Board of Director elections. It will not change the distribution to you of election materials for any Sierra Club chapter or group election.

  • If Ballot Materials are not issued electronically by the Club for an election, you will receive hard copy versions as before. The Sierra Club reserves the right to decide not to distribute Ballot Materials electronically for an election, in which case all Ballot Materials will be sent in hard copy via mail as in the past.


How will electronic delivery of the Ballot Materials work? 
By consenting to electronic delivery, you agree to receive the Ballot Materials for the Sierra Club’s Board of Directors elections over the Internet. In early March of each year in which you are eligible to vote, you will receive an e-mail notice that will provide the links to the Ballot Materials. This e-mail notice will have the necessary instructions to vote for directors online. 

What happens if I don’t sign up for electronic delivery?
If you choose not to sign up for electronic delivery of the Ballot Materials (or you choose to revoke your consent in the future), you will receive hard copies of the Ballot Materials in regular mail as in the past. You may vote via the Internet whether or not you consent to receive your Ballot Materials online.

How do I change or revoke my consent to electronic delivery?
You can change or revoke your consent to electronic delivery of your Ballot Materials at any time by contacting Sierra Club Member Care by email at member.care@sierraclub.org or by phone at (415) 977-5653.

What technology do I need to access the Ballot Materials online?
You will need access to the Internet through an Internet Service Provider and a web browser that supports secure connections, such as Google Chrome®, Mozilla Firefox®, or equivalent, as well as e-mail access. This access may incur charges from Internet Service Providers and local telephone companies. We will not be responsible for the costs associated with electronic access; these costs are your responsibility.

Can I print or download a copy of the Ballot Materials?
You will be able to read the Ballot Materials online and print a copy of the documents. The materials will be available online in a PDF format. To view and print a PDF document requires the use of Adobe® Acrobat® Reader software. This software can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe Systems Incorporated

How do I request paper copies of the Ballot Materials?
In addition to receiving the Ballot Materials electronically for a specific election, you may also request a paper copy of the materials at no charge by contacting Sierra Club Member Care by email at member.care@sierraclub.org or by phone at (415) 977-5653. In order for your request to be fulfilled in time to send out the Ballot Materials before the close of voting, any request for hard copy Ballot Materials must be received no later than 10 business days before the deadline for the receipt of ballots. 

I am a joint member of the Club with another member. Will we each receive an e-mail when Ballot Materials are available online?
If you’ve joined the Club as a joint member with someone else, only the email address of record on the primary member record will receive the e-mail when the Ballot Materials are available online. It will be the responsibility of that member to share the information with his or her joint member. The e-mail will contain the necessary information for both joint members to vote online.

How do I update my contact information?
By consenting to receive documents electronically, you accept the responsibility of providing us with a current e-mail address. If your e-mail address changes, please provide us with your new e-mail address as soon as possible, by updating your online member profile or by contacting Sierra Club Member Care by email at member.care@sierraclub.org or by phone at (415) 977-5653.