Conservation Issues


Clean Water

Since the Clean Water Act was passed in 1972, it has been responsible for significant improvements in the quality of our lakes and rivers. Unfortunately, America is still a long way from achieving the goal of cleaning up all of our national waterways. 

We are working to protect sources of drinking water from pollution, defending federal and state clean water protections from attack, and addressing the largest sources of water pollution: sewage and storm water runoff. 


Clean Energy 

September ushers in a new season and with Fall upon us even though we have not felt a decrease in temperatures. We begin the political season with a presentation on solar energy. You may be interested in Solar energy or you may not. You may or may not believe that solar energy is not a viable alternative to coal, natural gas or nuclear. Whatever you believe about solar Our program will explore the pros and cons of solar energy, how, as a homeowner, you may install a soar energy system and what you need to know. While today’s solar energy is a much more sophisticated solution than in years past, there are questions an issues regarding the political, financial and implementation of solar energy. We will explore these issues and learn is available and what still needs to be done for solar energy will become widely available to Georgians.