Service Projects

Sierra Club (National Outings):

National Outings

Nature: trees and bluffs at Bell Smith Springs

Shawnee National Forest volunteer days:

The Shawnee puts out a schedule of work days each fall and spring. Shawnee Sierra, as well as other groups, contribute to new trail building, reconstruction of existing trails, and trail clearing. Tools and hard hats are furnished. Volunteers need to register by phone to verify if the event is still on, and the Forest Service needs to know how much tools to bring to the trailheads based on how many have registered. Dates are published on their website as well as our Sierra blogsite:

Blog site


Adopt-A-Trailhead Project

A few years ago, the Shawnee National Forest west district did not have the time to regularily visit each trailhead to deal with trash, brush trail, or check vandalism or drug activity. Sierra Club took the initiative to get individual volunteers to adopt a trailhead and visit at least once a month. Subsequently, we have also included Cypress Creek Wildlife Refuge and illinois Dept of Conservation trail sites. Our volunteer hours contribute in-kind hours to the government fiscal budgets.