COP22 Marrakech - Day 1 Thoughts from a Student Researcher


Today I was able to attend the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change in Marrakech, Morocco as a student researcher for Washington University. Being surrounded by environmentalists, whether they be negotiators or NGOs, researchers or young people, was inspiring and uplifting, especially in the trying times of the past week. The conference reminded me that climate change is not only an environmental issue, but also a public health issue, a sustainable development issue, and a human rights issue. That being said, I noticed many Americans (including myself) feeling distraught and worried for the future of climate change policy and action under President-elect Trump. Even though the road towards combatting climate change will have more obstacles on it, I have been told to remember that 4 years is not forever, and that the current political climate has only strengthened the fervor of many organizations and key actors. My first day at the conference has renewed my hope in the global community’s motivation to fight climate change, and I am excited to see what the rest of the week brings. #WUSTLatCOP

Written by Nicola Salzman