

What is Fracking/Hydraulic Fracturing? 

Are there any unconventionally fracked wells in the Crossroads Group area?

Conway Township, Livingston County had an exploratory well that was drilled in the fall of 2013. It was called the Sherwood Well and the site is located north of Killinger Rd. on Sherwood Rd. Luckily, it has turned out to be an unproductive well and GeoSouthern, the oil company that owns the well, is plugging it.

What should you do if a "Land Man" visits your home?

First, we strongly urge you to NOT sign a lease with the oil and gas company without consulting with an attorney well versed in that type of law. The Land Men will tell you that many of your neighbors have signed and pressure you to sign immediately. Please protect yourself and check with others first. Secondly, get your household water tested by a certified technician. See the link below.

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Here are links to assist in understanding this issue:

Hydraulic Fracturing in Michigan
What the Frack? (SierraClub compass)
Michigan Fracking Presentations, Events, and Resources
EGLE (Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy) Oil & Gas report (
Injection Wells: The Hidden Risks of Pumping Waste Underground (