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No outings scheduled at this time

contact SEMG co-chairs if you are interested in the outings chair position



More about outings:

The Sierra Club was formed by John Muir, and others of similar passion, to take people outdoors, “up into the mountains, to hear their good tidings.”  The best way to get people involved in the never ending job of protecting our wild places is still to get them outdoors - to see, smell, taste, sense, and feel nature - mild and harsh - all of it.  Only by truly feeling for the land can we fully appreciate it.

The variety of the outings program includes easy hikes in local parks, hiking, canoeing, backpacking, cross-country skiing, camping, wildflower walks, birding, wilderness trips, and more. These are designed to attract everyone to at least one activity each year. NOTE: All participants in Sierra Club outings are required to sign a standard liability waiver. It is recommended that you read the liability waiver before participating in an outing.