Political Committee action

SierraScape October - November 2001
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Stronger environmental protection is now just a phone call away

by McNeer Dillon and Jill C. Miller

Well, almost. Nothing is quite that simple or easy. If it were, we wouldn't really need to Sierra Club to speak out on conservation issues, would we?

But we do, and we have an increasingly powerful voice at that. There are now more than 6,100 members in the EMG alone, an increase in the past year of 22 percent! You may be one of them, and we welcome your active participation.

In the coming months, you CAN be part of something powerful simply by picking up the telephone.

Owing to term limits, 26 state representative district seats will be vacated in the counties comprising the EMG.

This means we have a superb opportunity to recruit and support candidates who share our commitment to cleaner air, clean rivers, and protecting our forests from mining and chip mills.

To accomplish our goals, the EMG Political Committee first needs volunteers who are willing to call fellow Sierra Club members.

Learn what it's like to find a great new candidate and support their campaign by putting the effective, grassroots power of the Sierra Club behind them.

And don't forget, other interest groups will be supporting candidates to work on their behalf, often at the expense of Missouri's natural places.

The Political Committee is also seeking recommendations and suggestions for district candidates. Maybe someone you know would be ideal, and we'd like to hear from you.

To help, call Mac Dillon at (314) 862-6239. Leave your name, phone number, and email address, or email pmdillon@mindspring.com