Preparing a prairie for special kids

SierraScape April - May 2002
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by Leslie Lihou

The Sierra Club's Eastern Missouri Group has begun creating a prairie garden for the kids of Litzsinger School in the Special School District. It's a project that lets us scatter our knowledge of ecosystems and conservation, as well as sprout goodwill in the community.

The garden will also secure space for some Sierra Club general meetings. Because we were unable to schedule all of our meetings at the Missouri Botanical Garden, we have arranged to meet at Litzsinger School for the months of April, September and November.

To acquire a meeting room free of charge, we volunteered to plant a prairie in a sunny, 20 x 30 foot area on the campus, which is located at Litzsinger Road and Lindbergh Blvd. just south of the St. Louis County Library Headquarters, or about half a mile south of Hwy 40.

Now we need planting volunteers to carry the project to fruition. After eliminating the lawn at the end of March, we will need help digging the soil and tucking in the plants.

Scott Woodbury at the Shaw Nature Reserve and some Sierrans have donated appropriate prairie plants. We will gratefully accept more seed and plants... is there any big bluestem hiding in your backyard?

Next fall, we will sow prairie plant seed to supplement our original seedlings, which by then will have grown into a display of mature grasses and flowers.

The exact day of spring planting has not been determined, but mid-April seems likely. If you'd like to contribute your efforts and expertise to our creative multi-purpose mission, please call Leslie Lihou at (314) 726-2140 or Daniel Talonn at (314) 993-5901.