Action Alert! Weaker environmental rules would mean dirtier air, water for Missouri

SierraScape April - May 2002
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by Jill C. Miller

State legislation has been introduced that would dangerously weaken Missouri's ability to enforce meaningful environmental controls.

"No Stricter Than Federal" legislation would seriously limit the Department of Natural Resources' power to stop corporate polluters. It could strip away groundwater protections, undercut odor laws for huge hog farms known as Corporate Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), and undermine protections for clean streams and safe drinking water.

Please call your state representative today and ask him or her to oppose "No Stricter Than Federal" language. Tell them that Missourians, not the federal government, should get to decide how to protect Missouri's environment.

For additional information on this issue and many others, contact Conservation Committee Chair Mike Bollinger at (636) 938-6594 or email him at

The EMG ConsCom meets once a month, and new members are encouraged to attend.