Those we elect affect the environment

SierraScape June - July 2002
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by Mac Dillon, EMG Political Committee Chair

Area Sierrans and friends are invited and urged to take part in political activities of various kinds pursuant to the November elections.

If we allow another election cycle to be as environmentally disastrous as the last, we may find that we have few representatives and senators left who do not bow to big money and special interests.

How can you help in the coming months? There are lots of ways, and even a little of your time will be a tremendous help! The political committee is seeking folks who will reach out to others by telephone, march in rallies, or use the computer to investigate elected officials' voting records.

People willing to help organize these various activities are also needed. We will participate in a voter registration drive as well.

It is imperative that we elect representatives who will work on preserving the environment against the forces of special interests that care little how much they damage it, so long as they make money. We also need to elect officials who do not place the burden of toxic waste clean-up and other messes on the taxpayer.

We will need to work hard; only the election of environmentally concerned legislators will assure us that our air, water, and land will be protected, not ravaged under the law.

Please call Mac Dillon at (314) 862-6239 to volunteer. If you don't reach me in person, please leave a message with your name, telephone number, and preferred activity.

Those who like email may send a message to