Thank You All for All You Do

SierraScape December 2004 - January 2005
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from Del Johnson, EMG Executive Committee Chair

It is good to remind ourselves occasionally of all the really worthwhile and important things EMG Sierra members do. Some maintain trails, some testify before regulatory agencies, some write letters, and some speak up at city council meetings. And we are all very grateful to those who serve in these important ways.

Now we know that not everyone feels he or she has the talent and background, not to mention the time, required to serve in the ways we have mentioned. But there are other very important tasks to be done which absolutely must be done by members if EMG Sierra is to continue to fulfill its very important role. When we work together, each contributing according to his/her time and abilities, great and wonderful deeds can be accomplished.

One of these tasks whose importance we should never underestimate is the extremely practical one of keeping EMG Sierra afloat financially. How that important result is achieved is explained in the next paragraph.

STAYING SOLVENT: Economics Sierra Style!

Financial solvency is maintained by EMG Sierra in basically the same way it is achieved in any other organization. For we have to meet two requirements, both of which require the united efforts of EMG members:

A. We have to have an INCOME. We have an income because of the hard work of those who sell lemonade, also merchandise such as calendars. Most of our income is seasonal, and so you will hear more about EMG income raising efforts as the seasons come and go.

B. We have to keep our EXPENSES within appropriate limits. The efforts of EMG volunteers are essential to keep our costs down. The most significant of these expenses is the cost of preparing our Sierrascape newsletters for mailing. (If you have never helped out at a Sierrascape mailing party, see the following paragraph for details.)


It all begins with articles submitted by EMG members to Don Barnes, our SierraScape editor. He edits the submitted copy for each issue, lays it out then sends it to the printer. When the SierraScapes come back from the printer and are ready to mail, EMG volunteers meet for an evening of pizza, soda, and brownies, plus conversation and conviviality-also the taping and labeling of over five thousand SierraScapes. With an appropriate number of volunteers, twenty or so, the work can be completed in a couple of hours. And the rewards? As with all EMG money raising activities, there is the food, the fellowship, and the satisfaction of knowing that your efforts have spelled the difference between financial success and insolvency for EMG Sierra.

Mailing parties are scheduled for the Friday night following the EMG general meeting, in odd numbered months, in the Sierra Club office at 7164 Manchester Ave, just west of McCausland in Maplewood. The next mailing party will be at 6:00 PM, Friday, January 28, 2005. For further information, call Del Johnson, 314-968-1246.