Get Framed

SierraScape June-July 2005
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information courtesy of Mike Bollinger

It's the latest rage-"reframing" the issues.

The Republican triumphs in the November elections were the culmination of 40 years of effort by conservative pundits, politicians and think tanks to put their values into "frames," mental images that pop up in people's minds. By repeating a few key words they can get people to adopt their message without necessarily thinking about it. Reform, security, Clear Skies, Healthy Forest-the words are warm and fuzzy but they stand for programs that are often detrimental to the environment. Whatever we throw at these frames-facts, arguments, eggs, tomatoes-bounces right off.

What we need to do is change the frames-replace the anti-environmental frames with new ones that put our values across to the public in ways they can agree with and adopt. This takes a lot of brainstorming. We're going to get this going for EMG at a convivial meeting of the Conservation Committee.

Refreshments will be provided. If you're interested in issues, join us on Thursday, July 14 at 7:00 p.m. at the Sierra Club office, 7164 Manchester Avenue, Maplewood, MO 63143.