Organization Educates Through Re-Use

SierraScape February - March 2007
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by Donna Springer

Have you, or your corporation, items with "craft potential" that you would like to discard? Leftovers, etc. welcomes discarded surplus, obsolete, or slightly used merchandise to provide collective educational activities. The Sierra Club of Eastern Missouri and Leftovers, etc. are looking forward to networking during the coming months to reach common objectives.

Founded in 1989, Leftovers, etc. has dual missions involving re-use and education. Leftovers, etc. has a customer base of 65,000 users, and has supplied materials and tools to more than 4,000 local human service organizations.

Tracking, which began mid-1999, reveals that Leftovers, etc. has kept 395,747.4 pounds (almost 198 tons) of materials from landfills. 64,554 pounds of industrial discard has been redistributed through their resource center. 10,750 children and adults have have participated in in-house activities, which include field trips, trash-to-art competitions and shows, and scouting workshops. On-site classes, trash-to-art competitions, and a display store showcase the mission and activities. By November of 2006, the number of workshops had reached 51 per month.

Leftovers, etc. is excited about the donation of 12,500 feet of space, which will expand their facility from 4,000 square feet to 12,500 square feet. There are plans to diversify the classes to include puppetry, drama and dance, and to expand already existing services to mentally and physically challenged children and adults.

Leftovers, etc, 1759A Scherer Parkway (soon to be 1860 Scherer Parkway!), St. Charles, welcomes a multitude of donations and store customers. Large-scale corporate discards are particularly welcome. In addition, there are people needs-volunteers to assist with classes and workshops, to staff the store, to sort incoming material, and to help with the upcoming move. Contact 636-946-9779, 314-239-3545 (cell) for details.