Change Comes to Outings Program

SierraScape April - May 2007
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by Wayne Miller
Outings Committee Chair

After an amazing tenure as Chair, Ann Eggebrecht has stepped down. Although I feel like the comedian following Bob Hope, I have agreed to serve; in fact I am much honored to be chosen. I served on the Outings Committee for over 7 years but for 4 years have been on the periphery but still leading outings until recently.

I endorse the view point that the outings program is where the Sierra Club mingles the most with non-members, those who may become members and participants in other activities. This does not happen automatically; it takes some effort by the outings leaders, other outings participants, the Outings Committee and the chair. We want to train some new leaders, and have still more outings, with attention to weekend dayhikes.

Now it's time for salutes.

  • Most prolific new leader: Margot Kindley --look at all the outings she will be leading. Margot was trained by the National crew last summer in the session sponsored by our EMG.
  • Best, most enthusiastic outings descriptions: Bob Herndon. Bob was also trained in the same session last summer but he's been leading outings for a few years.
  • Permanent, non-rotating Outings Leader Champ: Suzanne Smith. Wow! With all the outings she has led over the years, I suspect some think our program is Suzanne hikes.
  • And our special salute to Ann Eggebrecht who is not gone, not forgotten!