EMG Needs "Social" Workers!

SierraScape April - May 2007
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by Del Johnson
Executive Committee Chair

Are you a person who has a knack for making people feel welcome? Do you enjoy playing the host, or hostess? The East Missouri Group (EMG) of the Sierra Club is planning a series of events to welcome new Sierra Club members. We want new people to know about all the opportunities EMG provides for enjoying the outdoors, through hikes and outings, as well as through activities to protect and preserve Ozark parks and trails, and promote the causes of conservation and environmental health.

If you are a person with "socializing" skills and instincts, and would enjoy putting them to use in the service of world of nature, we would like to hear from you! Call Del Johnson, 314-968-1246, or call our local office, 314-644-0890, and ask for Penny Holtzman. Please be sure to leave a message with your name and contact number if you get the office voice mail system so we can call you back.