Tabling Events Promote Sierra Club's Ideas

SierraScape April - May 2007
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by Gloria Broderick
Calendars and Merchandise Committee Chair

The SierraScape and our online info helps to keep a number of members informed. But there are some members and non members that are not up to date on current or timely issues.

Tabling events helps to present these ideas to a group that is ready for information.

Usually at an event you bring all the printed matter and merchandise at the office you can carry. I usually have a cart that saves trips back and forth.

Some committees have a special event that is coming up within the next month for the people to listen to, sign a petition, write a letter, or talk about. The volunteers will start out with an introduction of "Have you heard of the Sierra Club?" If they have not, we usually give them a hand out with the general info about the office and meeting times. Then we invite them to sign up for the next newsletter or sign a timely petition.

We also describe a hike that would possibly be of interest to them. I almost always meet ladies who love to hike but don't because they don't feel safe doing it alone. They're always excited to hear about the variety of hikes we have, and comforted by the fact that they'll enjoy the safety of numbers while on the trail.

We also mention how we raise money by selling lemonade and the merchandise on the table.

The people we have met at these events are genuinely interested in ecology, and they are all candidates to strengthen the ranks of the Sierra Club and contribute to our efforts to make more people aware of the fact that there is someone out there working for them to save the environment.

From a personal perspective, I often find new ideas on healthier living or some new resource for later.

Volunteering to help table an event is a great way to support Sierra Club, get out and meet like-minded people, and discover things you may not have otherwise discovered. Look for announcements on upcoming opportunities to volunteer to help table an event in the Outings section of the SierraScape. For more info or to volunteer, call Gloria Broderick at 314-741-4588.