Think Outside The Bottle

SierraScape June - July 2008
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by Sara Joseph
Contributing Member

Bottled water corporations are changing the very way people think about water. Corporations like Coke, Nestlé and Pepsi are manufacturing demand for an essential resource that flows directly from our taps. What's more many bottled water brands actually come from the same source as public tap water though these brands are sold back to the public at thousands of times the cost.

Plastic bottles also require massive amounts of fossil fuels to manufacture and transport. Billions of these bottles wind up in landfills every year.

And when bottled water marketing convinces one in five people that the only place to get drinking water is from a bottle, it threatens the political will to adequately fund our public water systems.

You can help reverse this trend - take action today to support efforts to reduce the social and environmental impacts of bottled water and to prioritize public water systems!

Think outside the bottle. Challenge corporate control of water. TAKE THE THINK OUTSIDE THE BOTTLE PLEDGE: Pledge to opt for public tap water over bottled water and support local officials who prioritize tap water and people's right to water over bottled water company profits. Sign up at