Confluence Trash Bash - 3/21/2015

SierraScape March 2015 - August 2015
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information provided by Gloria Broderick
Contributing Member
Eastern Missouri Group

Confluence Trash Bash is the annual clean-up in North St Louis and North St Louis County. It's organized by Greenway Network, MSD (the St. Louis Metropolitan Sewer District), Missouri American Water, Great Rivers Greenway, Missouri Department of Conservation, St. Louis Audubon, and local partnering organizations.

Volunteering is a great way for scouts to earn badges and students to earn community service hours. Please dress appropriately for working outside and current weather conditions. Be prepared to get wet and muddy.


Volunteers can choose from four locations as their starting site, after which they will be assigned to specific areas to clean. Meeting time is 8-8:30am. Sign in ahead of time by going to and click one of the register links.

  1. The Old Chain of Rocks Bridge (10950 Riverview Drive, St. Louis, MO 63137)
  2. Creve Coeur Park (2350 Creve Coeur Mill Road, St. Louis, MO 63146)
  3. Sunset Park in Florissant (2300 Sunset Park Drive, 63031)
  4. Bridgeton Site (13217 Ferguson Ln., Bridgeton, MO 63044)

Missouri River Relief is organizing a site on the Mississippi River at Mosenthein Island (subject to change due to river conditions). There is limited space (40 people), so please register and make sure to select the Missouri River Relief site. Check the Missouri River Relief website for more information.

Big Muddy Adventures is bringing canoes accommodating up to 25 people. Since space is limited, please register early and select the option for Big Muddy Adventures.

After picking up litter, volunteers will return to their starting location for an appreciation lunch and a chance to celebrate! Prizes will be given for interesting trash finds.