Remembering Sierra Club leader Jerry Sugerman

SierraScape Double Issue - 2019
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This August our area lost a passionate, hard working environmental advocate when Jerry Sugerman passed away. Jerry was a long time Sierra Club member and fierce defender of rivers. Jerry is best known for his fearless and successful efforts to stop the Meramec Dam, which was already under construction when he and others upped their opposition efforts. A cumulative effort of many volunteers, a Sierra Club lawsuit, and an eventual public referendum in 1978 defeated the dam. Jerry was at the core of that effort. Jerry also contributed to the early development of Missouri Sierra Club. As an avid canoeist, hiker and nature lover he added much to the chapter's early outings and public lands program. Jerry flew to San Francisco in December 1971 to deliver the application for the development of a Missouri chapter. Our chapter was then established in 1972. Jerry is survived by his wife, Darlene Davies-Sugerman, who is also a friend to many Sierrans. As you float the Meramec, think of Jerry's dedication. He set an inspiring example for us all.

Meramec River

For more information about the fight against the Meramec Basin Project, see: