Community Marin

Community Marin 2013

A Vision For Marin County Policy Recommendations

This document is currently being revised by the coalition of environmental groups that first put it together. These include: Marin Audubon Society, Marin Baylands Advocates, Marin Conservation League, Sierra Club-Marin Group, Salmon Protection and Watershed Network, San Geronimo Valley Planning Group. [Downloadable document]

Community Marin presents recommendations of Marin County’s major environmental organizations to provide an environmentally responsible foundation for land use planning. The chapters are organized consistent with the general plans of Marin County and its cities and towns but recommendations are widely applicable to all land use planning. This report does not attempt to address all the subjects that must be covered in a general plan; rather, it focuses on major issue areas that the environmental organizations believe are of countywide importance.

Three previous editions of Community Marin were prepared in 1991, 1998, and 2003. Community Marin represents a consensus of the participating organizations, each of which may go beyond these policies in its advocacy work.