CC Plan2035

Link to PLAN2035:!plan-cc-second-draft/c1w41    

Final Copy to be submitted October 13, 2015

Corpus Christi City Council           
1200 Leopard
Corpus Christi, Texas

RE:  PLAN2035 October 13 public comment

The Sierra Club Coastal Bend Group strongly supports the original draft Plan2035.  We encourage the City Council to adopt that original and more complete version of the plan. 

This currently proposed Plan2035, however, does contain several sentences that recognize the importance of taking environmental issues into consideration, and this helps secure Plan2035 as deserving of community support.  

Reportedly this plan cost close to $100,000, not including the significant volunteer time given by many citizens.  It would be a mistake to not approve the plan.  It would also be a mistake to further reduce or dilute the recommendations of the paid consultants and volunteers merely to accommodate those who threaten to avoid Plan2035 recommendations by developing and building out side of the City limits, or by others who simply do not like any change from business as usual. 

There must be positive reasons for homebuyers to want to live inside the City limits, and Plan2035 is a strong step in the right direction. 

Attached to this cover letter is a brief analysis of currently proposed draft Plan2035

Signed by Lois Huff, Chair, Sierra Club Coastal Bend Group


Natural Systems, Parks and Recreation

GOAL:  Natural Systems.

            NOTE:  Policies for decision makers appear to be positive and to provide good direction.

GOAL:  Urban, Item 6.

NOTE:  “Give priority to DIVERSE native tree planting….”  (Add “diverse”)

GOAL:  Open Space, Parks and Recreation, Goal 8, high quality and well maintained green spaces.  “Continue to seek partnerships and sponsorships to support park maintenance.

NOTE:  Partnerships and sponsorships would be best used to enhance not merely provide park maintenance.

Resilience and Resource-Efficiency

GOAL:  Resilience.

NOTE:  Promotion of protection of barrier beaches and dunes is important as noted.  Development of additional bridge to Padre Island shown on several Plan2035 maps, must honor this goal.

GOAL:  Resource Efficiency.

NOTE:  Policy Item 4.  Add “Recommend that builders/developers consider designing houses to take advantage of prevailing winds, allowing homeowners to reduce dependence on air conditioning when possible.”

Housing and Neighborhoods

GOAL:  Neighborhoods.

NOTE:  Item 6.  Much much more is needed than one sentence to encourage infill development.  The City needs to completely change the way utilities are planned and paid for, removing the burden from the developers/building; this would allow the City to plan where to develop, or re-develop, by seeing that the utilities are in place for new development and that infill development no longer requires a builder/developer to pay for the increased cost of providing utilities in older areas.

Transportation and Mobility

GOAL:  Efficient and safe transportation network.

NOTE:  Add additional policy:  Support bicycle routes that promote safe biking to and from the workplace.

Community Infrastructure, Facilities and Services.

GOAL:  Storm water and drainage system, Item 4.

NOTE:  Promote reduction of pollutants “and litter” in the Bay….(add “and litter.)

GOAL:  Solid waste, item 5.

NOTE:  Add additional policy:  “Encourage entrepreneurial reuse of collected recycled items.

Infrastructure, Facilities and Services

GOAL:  Water-Resource management, item 1.

NOTE:  Strategic approach needs to include funding options.  (See Note on Neighborhoods.)

GOAL:  Storm Water and Drainage System, item 4

NOTE:  Change “Review the creation of a more equitable billing system” to “Create a more equitable billing system.”

GOAL:  ADA compliance, item 7

NOTE:  The ADA is 25 years olds; perhaps the word “quickly” or “immediately” should be added.  Add an item, Conduct an audit to identify remaining non-compliant spots.

Future land Use, Zoing, and Urban Design

GOAL:  Annexation plans.  Item 6

NOTE:  Until our current roads are all in good order, and our infrastructure/utilities are in good order, no annexation should take place.  Recently annexed land in Chapman Ranch area should be de-annexed.

GOAL:  Environment and Resilience.

NOTE:  Preserve and protect “local watersheds and other” environmentally sensitive land and water.  (Add local watersheds and other)

GOAL:  Future Land Use map.

NOTE:  De-Annex the Chapman Ranch area, and delay planned development on the South Side.  FEMA maps, transportation issues and large amounts of infill property all provide support.

Stewardship and Implementation of the Plan

GOAL:  Regular public review.

NOTE:  Very likely the only people who will attend are those who benefit financially; somehow the new planning department needs be supported in their efforts to follow this plan, perhaps by providing incentives to those in the industry who will be most helpful by assisting and not resisting.

GOAL:  Funding

NOTE:  Have a grant writer, who works with other City grant writers, dedicated to finding and securing grants related to PLAN2035