Riding Ferries, Scouting for Crabs, and Flying Kites

Team Madrona Takes a Trip to Fort Warden

Madrona Elementary students were full of excitement as they arrived at the school, eagerly awaiting their day trip to Bainbridge Island where a ferry ride, low-tide beachcombing, and kite making awaited them. They burned off some energy with an impromptu game of tag before boarding the vans to the Bainbridge Ferry terminal. Anticipation was high as many of them were looking forward to the ferry ride the most.

Madrona students take ferry ride.

Snacks were consumed and pictures were taken as the students gazed in wonder at the city retreating behind them. But the fun was just beginning! Upon arrival at Fort Warden, the students set to work building a GIANT leaf pile to jump in.

Madrona students build a giant leaf pile.

Everybody migrated to the beach to discover the remains of Fort Warden and explore the intertidal zone. ICO Leader Luc led the students in finding crabs while Mr. Stewart taught the students how to skip rocks. Students reveled in spotting all sorts of sea life (including some curious sea lions!). They collected shells and rocks, showed each other the biggest crabs they could find, and bragged about the number of times they were pinched.

Madrona students learn about marine life on Seattle ICO trips.

Finally it was time to make kites! ICO leader Angie led the students in kite assembly and soon enough they were running around trying to catch the slightest breeze. Students played frisbee, ran with kites, and helped their fellow classmates to get their kites airborne. 

Madrona students learning to make kites on a Seattle ICO outing.

The outing ended with lunch and cocoa, a few more games, and a ferry ride back to Seattle. This time the students discovered the upper deck of the ferry! Everyone posed for a silly Seattle skyline picture before loading back into the vans and heading home.

Madrona students celebrate another great trip with Seattle ICO.

Written by Seattle ICO volunteer Jessica O'Sell . 

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