Road trip!

Sierra Club Regional Representative


Sierra Club volunteer bringing information to Reno voter.

Photo by Eric Wesselman

As many of you likely know by now, this year's presidential election is going to be decided by just a handful of swing states. The Sierra Club is doing our part to make sure people know about the urgency of this election through our Environmental Voter Education Campaign. By going door to door talking to people about the environmental voting records of both candidates, we will help people make an educated decision on Nov. 2. Conventional wisdom and research tells us that the most effective way to make a difference is through direct contact with voters.

Join the Road to Vegas on Oct. 9, Oct. 16, or Oct. 30

With the swing state of Nevada lying just a few hours away, Angeles Chapter members have a great opportunity to hit the campaign trail to educate voters on the environmental records of the presidential candidates. While there may be just a few hundred Sierra Club members in Las Vegas, there are tens of thousands just across the state line in California and we need your help.

What will you do as part of the Road to Vegas team? After a brief training you will hit the streets with local volunteers and staff to talk with voters at their doors about the environmental records of the candidates for president. We will make sure you have a great time. After a day on the campaign trail, relax and get to know folks over dinner. For those who can stay an extra day, join us for happy hour, get a good night's sleep, and set out for another walk the next morning.

All you have to do is let us know you will be coming a week or two in advance so we can help arrange food and lodging. For people who like to camp, we have reserved two group campsites at the beautiful Red Rock National Recreation Area just a few miles outside of Las Vegas. Others can stay with local Sierra Club volunteers or, if you would like to stay at a hotel, we will help you find a safe and affordable place to stay. Some financial assistance may be available depending on individual circumstances.

So come join the fun, and experience the power of getting out the vote, and going door to door in a swing state.

To reserve your space on Oct. 9, Oct. 16, or Oct. 30, contact Courtney Watson at 702-732-7750 or and let us know you will be getting on the Road to Vegas. If you're not able to make one of these dates but would still like to join the fun, give us a ring and we'll work with you to find additional opportunities to join the campaign.

For more information visit There are also opportunities to get out the vote in New Mexico and Arizona.

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