Latest Updates on Wildlife 

 We re pleased to share some of our wins for wildlife in the past few weeks. We have been walking the halls of the state capitol of California and Nevada, speaking at public hearings, holding public rallies and giving tours of wildlife areas we would like protected to various decision makers. 

Our meetings with the Governor of California and his staff have been productive and have lead to the Governor to recently sign into law bills which we worked on and supported to ban the hunting of Bobcats and ban the trapping of mammals for fur in California. The Governor also supports our top priority wildlife highway crossing, the Liberty Canyon Wildlife Overpass over the very busy 101 freeway in the Agoura Hills area of western Los Angeles county. 

We have been meeting with CA Fish and Game Commission staff, we are working on getting the commission to designate as critical habitat various open space land areas within San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura and Los Angeles counties as critical habitat for mountain lions. Hopefully a decision will be made this Fall. 

Our seat on the CA Dept. of Fish and Wildife Wolf Management Team has allowed us to be part of the stakeholders who are working on a plan to protect gray wolves and their habitat in northern California. Our rally in Sacramento, CA in May drew hundreds of people supporting the protection of wolves. 

We have joined a national Sierra Club lawsuit to stop the Trump Administration from dismantling the federal endangered species act. 

We also joined our national Sierra Club office in a lawsuit to stop the construction of the U.S./Mexico border wall which would implead wildlife crossing in the areas where the wall is proposed. 

We continue to engage the U.S. Government over the use of what are known as long line nylon drift nets, nets which are used in the commercial ocean fishing industry to catch a targeted fish species but also entangle and kill hundreds of whales and other marine mammals each year. Plenty of meetings with the feds but no real results yet. 

Our paws are tired, but all of us along with your help have been a powerful voice for the voiceless among us, our precious and endangered wildlife.

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