We Launched a Canvass Program with 4 New Staff

Sierra Club Dirty Fuels campaign in Los Angeles in deep partnership with the Angeles Chapter's Clean Break Committee has hired on 4 temporary canvassing staff to do outreach in the Great Baldwin Hills region. Right now, LA County is updating their regulations to the Inglewood Oil Field (called the Baldwin Hills Community Standards District) and have a 60 day public comment period on their initial draft recommendations which are woefully inadequate in protecting our health or environment. The county has no plans to inform the local community of this process so we are going door to door to empower residents to raise their voice and call for strong regulations. The team hit the ground running this weekend and will be talking with local residents for the next 6 weeks. Take action online by signing our petition here and sharing it in person or on social media.

Background Context:

Neighborhood oil drilling is a major public health and climate crisis in Los Angeles. Across LA county there are over 5,000 active and idle oil wells that are regulated by different local municipalities and directly next to homes, schools, parks, hospitals, faith institutions and other sensitive land uses. Drilling releases dozens of toxic emissions which cause health issues such as asthma, cancer, and premature death. Continued oil extraction in the LA Basin could release climate emissions about equal to annual emissions from 11 coal plants or 9.6 million passenger vehicles. Learn more on our newly updated Clean Break website.


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