
BMHS membership benefits include voting privileges and invitations to member-only events, such as special hikes.
There are three requirements for BMHS membership.  You must be a member of the national Sierra Club (for new memberspecial rate, contact bmhs.chair* lomaprieta, you must notify BMHS treasurer ( easurer  of your intent to be a BMHS member, and pay the nominal membership dues.  Current membership dues are $12 per 2-year membership cycle from July 2016 to June 2018.  Membership dues are waived for active hike leaders and excom members.
Black Mountain Hiking Section (BMHS) transitioned from decades long regional group, Black Mountain Group, to an activity section in January 2012 to concentrate mainly on hiking related activities.
Sierra Club has an official policy of NOT directly funding hiking sections, but does provide insurance for us.  Sierra Club requires all hike leaders to be certified regularly for First Aid Training and Outing Leader Training.   In order to support our hike leaders and to be able to reimburse costs associated with leader training and other incidental expenses, BMHS has begun assessing membership dues beginning July 1, 2012.  Although BMHS membership is encouraged, most of our hikes are open to members and non-members alike.
If you enjoyed our hikes and would like to help ensure that we continue to host weekly hikes, please consider becoming aBMHS member.  To do so, please e-mail your request to our Treasurer (bmhs.treasurer AT