November 3, 2020 Santa Barbara Sierra Club Endorsements

Here are Sierra Club's official endorsements for Santa Barbara County.

  • California State Senate (SD19): Monique Limon
  • California Assembly (AD37): Steve Bennett 
  • California Assembly (AD35): Dawn Addis 
  • Carpinteria City Council: Natalia Alarcon
  • Goleta Mayor: Paula Perrotte 
  • Goleta City Council: Stuart Kasdin  
  • Goleta City Council: Kyle Richards 
  • Goleta School Bond (Measure M): YES Funding includes renewable energy facilities advocated for by Sierra Club
  • Goleta Unified School District Board: Vicki Ben-Yaacov 
  • Goleta Unified School District Board: Sholeh Jahangir 
  • Goleta Water District Board of Directors: Farfalla Borah 
  • Goleta Water District Board of Directors: Lauren Hanson 
  • Goleta Water District Board of Directors: Bill Rosen 
  • Santa Barbara Unified School District: Laura Capps 
  • Santa Barbara Unified School District: Jacqueline Reid 
  • Santa Barbara Unified School District: Wendy Sims-Moten 
  • Proposition 15 - The CA Schools and Local Communities Funding Act of 2020: YES Reform Prop 13 to close tax loopholes; adds $12 billion year to fund schools
  • Proposition 16 - Repeal Proposition 209 Affirmative Action Amendment: YES Increases equity; allows schools and agencies to consider race, sex, gender, and ethnicity 
  • Proposition 17 - Voting Rights Restoration for Persons on Parole Amendment: YES Californians who have completed their prison sentence should not have their voting rights denied.
  • Proposition 22 - App-Based Drivers as Contractors and Labor Policies Initiative: NO Denys drivers the rights to minimum wage, social security, overtime, etc.
  • Proposition 25 - Replace Cash Bail with Risk Assessments Referendum: YES Cash bail is discriminatory and antithetical to values of justice, fairness and equity
  • Read more about propositions here


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More about the Sierra Club endorsement process:

The Sierra Club leverages the power of our networks of volunteers and members in every state to help elect environmental candidates. The Sierra Club sees the importance of having environmental champions at all levels of elected office. To ensure the Sierra Club only endorses the best environmental candidates, our volunteers and staff have developed a multi-step process and criteria for selecting which candidates receive our support. Driven by our grassroots members, the endorsement process begins at the chapter level. Volunteers examine each candidate's record and distribute questionnaires to candidates who meet our criteria. The questionnaire responses are then evaluated, and interviews with candidates are conducted. If the local volunteers support an endorsement, the endorsement must win the support of two local committees, and then committees at the state or national level, depending on the office.   Throughout our process, volunteers and staff evaluate the environmental and public health records of candidates, their electability and their propensity to be a true champion on our issues.

 Paid for by Sierra Club Political Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee