Below are the candidate statements and photos of those running for the four at-large positions on the Nebraska Sierra Club - Bluestem Group Executive Committee. There are three incumbents displayed here. You need to write in a candidate on the ballot to fill the fourth spot.
Anne DeVries

I currently serve on the Bluestem Group ExCom as well as the Chapter ExCom.
Active in college with Wachiska Audubon. I was a founding member of Bluebirds Across Nebraska, a spin off club from the Bluebird Trail Commitee in WAS where I had also served as Corresponding Secretary. Continued membership in Audubon. I have also been active with Beyond Coal campaign. I work full time as a Project Manager for NE Game & Parks.
Married with two kids, 15yr daughter (freshman driving on a school permit) and 20yr old son in college. We are all living on an acreage with native plantings surrounded by cultivated fields near Cortland. I volunteer my spare time to do little things to help our planet.
Tim Golden

Retired Science Department Chair from Lincoln Southwest HS. I taught Environmental Studies for 30+ years in LPS and always told students "If you're not part of the solution, you are part of the problem".
I currently serve on the Bluestem Group ExCom. I have been on the State Chapter Ex Comm. The last couple of years I volunteered as the Chapter secretary and have been on several committees including the Conservation Committee. The present group of Bluestem leaders have worked incredibly hard at being inclusive and in the Political arena building a strong advocacy for the Sierra Club. Hopefully if elected I can continue to help and support the club in their efforts for a sustainable future.
Arlene Newell

I currently serve on the Bluestem ExCom and the Chapter ExCom.
During my recent years on the Nebraska Sierra Club Chapter ExCom, I have focused my efforts on 1) Earth Day celebrations (greeting supporters as T-Rex), 2) fundraising efforts on Harvest Dinners, and 3) promoting green policies through Sierra Club PAC (Political Action Committee) activities to identify green candidates and work toward their election.
I am very optimistic that we can utilize the communication systems we’ve been using in political campaigning to facilitate contacts with Sierra Club members and supporters to disseminate information concerning environmental issues before the Legislature and other governmental entities. These communication systems can help Sierra Club strengthen our citizen lobbying efforts to pass “green” legislation and policies.