Below are the candidate statements and photos of those running for the four at-large positions on the Nebraska Sierra Club Executive Committee.
Jordan Anderson

I am currently seeking reelection for the Nebraska Sierra Club Chapter’s Executive Committee. I have been an active member of the Nebraska Chapter since 2020 and have had no shortage of exciting and meaningful experiences as a member of Chapter leadership. I have served two terms on the Executive Committee and was elected Chapter Chair for my most recent term. It has been a whirlwind two years in this position, which have helped me become a better leader and environmental steward. I’ve had the experience of taking part in legislative and political outreach through both our legislative and political committees.
I have continued to work with Chapter members to reach out to underserved communities to address environmental injustice. I have also taken part in outreach and community event efforts to empower youth climate activism. Since becoming Chair, I have also made it a point to develop relations with other Sierra Club leaders in neighboring states and at the National level.
Moving forward, I will continue to work hard to ensure the Nebraska Chapter earns the funding to hire full time staff to help bolster our already strong volunteer network. I will continue to try and build the Chapter into a diverse coalition of community stakeholders, both rural and urban, dedicated to solving both environmental and
social justice issues within Nebraska. I also believe it will be important for the Chapter to reinvigorate its Outings Program to help fellow Nebraskans get outside and enjoy nature. I will work diligently with other Chapter volunteers to rebuild this crucial component of the Sierra Club.
Outside of my work with the Sierra Club, I work as a Juvenile Probation Officer, where I have helped mentor and serve at-risk youth in both the Lincoln and Omaha area. Please consider my nomination to continue serving you.
Tim Golden

With extensive experience on the Executive Committee, I have served in multiple roles, including past board member and, in recent years, secretary. I currently serve as Vice Chair for the Bluestem Group and actively contribute to both the Conservation and PAC committees, helping shape policies and initiatives that support Nebraska’s environmental landscape.
As a retired Department Chair from Lincoln Public Schools (LPS), I taught Environmental
Studies, Marine Biology, and Biology, earning national recognition for innovative teaching methods, including the National Science Teachers Association Star Award.
Post-retirement, I’ve channeled my passion for education into multiple startup ventures focused on how people learn and find motivation. In the words of Environmentalist David Suzuki: "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem." This belief has driven my work with the Sierra Club, inspiring me to engage others in taking meaningful action for a healthier planet.
Sara Langan

I currently serve as the Sierra Club MoValley Group President and have been volunteering
with the Sierra Club for the past 6 years. During my time with the Sierra Club, I have monitored Nebraska legislation impacting the environment, hosted the Sierra Club table at Earth Day Omaha, and presented environmentally friendly waste management options to Mayor Jean Stothert.
In 2018, I was awarded a Sierra Club Environmental Achievement Award. I hope to continue our advocacy work for environmentally friendly policies and legislation. I have been practicing tax law since graduating from the University of Nebraska College of Law in 2011. Clean energy has been an interest of mine for years. During my career, I have been involved with financing several renewable energy solar projects and recently presented at the Nebraska State Bar Association annual meeting detailing new energy incentives provided through Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act.
Glen Murray

I have been a member of Sierra Club since 1984. I was initially active with the Cottonwood
Group serving in a number of roles including as Group Chair. I was quite active in Platte River issues to protect instream flows for threatened and endangered species. I then served on the Nebraska Chapter Executive Committee for about 20 years in a number of roles including a couple of terms as Chapter Chair.
I was involved in Chapter efforts to limit the spread of CAFO’s (confined animal feeding organizations). I have been the Chapter Political Committee’s Compliance Officer since about 2005. I am currently serving on the Bluestem ExCom as Group Chair.
I recently retired as an attorney and have time to invest in the Sierra Club. I want to continue supporting the work of our Political Committee to elect strong environmental candidates work to continue our advocacy at the Nebraska Legislature for pro-environment laws. I also want to work on developing a strong chapter outings program.
Hector Santiago

Member of Sierra Club since 2017. Member of the Political Action Committee that works on the questionnaire that was sent to the Local, State and Federal candidates during the 2019-2020, 2024 elections cycle. The questionnaire’s responses were used to validate their views, vision, and priorities on protecting the public health with clean air and water. Based on their responses the candidates earned the Sierra Club endorsements.
I had participated in Sierra Club training; such as, as SmartVan, Salesforce and Hustle and function in an IT capacity with NE SC. I earned a Bachelor’s Degree BS, Civil Engineer, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. My computer skills include Microsoft Project, Excel, Words, PowerPoint and Publisher.
During my career with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District as a
Project Manager I was responsible for the planning, management, control, coordination, and execution of diverse environmental remediation sites contaminated with toxic pollution. I believe in renewable energy projects that will provide alternative clean energy sources for future generations.
Arlene Newell

During my 2019-2020 term on the Nebraska Sierra Club Chapter ExCom I focused
my efforts on 1) Earth Day celebrations (greeting supporters as T-Rex), 2) fundraising efforts on Harvest Dinners, and 3) promoting green policies through Sierra Club PAC (Political Action Committee) activities to identify green candidates and work toward their election.
I am very optimistic that we can utilize the communication systems we’ve been using in political campaigning to facilitate contacts with Sierra Club members and supporters to disseminate information concerning environmental issues before the Legislature and other governmental entities. These communication systems can help Sierra Club strengthen our citizen lobbying efforts to pass “green” legislation and policies.