NC Sierra Club urges focus on renewables instead of offshore drilling
January 27, 2015
"As the administration moves to finalize this draft proposal, we hope they'll recognize that North Carolina’s energy future should be focused on tapping our region's large offshore wind potential. Choosing clean energy will benefit economies up and...
A message from the Chair: 2015 - The year ahead
January 21, 2015
"When I think about the environmental goals that the North Carolina Sierra Club will be focusing on this year, it’s pretty clear to me that these are things that offer strong benefits to our citizens and shouldn’t be controversial. They just make...
Pushing for forward-thinking policies: A preview of the 2015 session
January 21, 2015
North Carolina has historically been a leader in the south on forward-thinking environmental policy but in the past few years, appears to be backtracking in this area. As you may know, the Legislature began its 2015 long session last week with a...
Management plan passed for NC's coal ash ponds
August 21, 2014
Following the Dan River coal ash spill, revelations that coal ash pollution has contaminated rivers, lakes, streams and drinking water resulted in an unprecedented public demand for action. Duke Energy produces an estimated 1.2 million tons of coal...
NC Sierra Club: Coal ash management plan should go further
August 21, 2014
The Legislature today gave final approval to the Coal Ash Management Act of 2014, a complex measure that for the first time regulates coal ash like other wastes but also undermines a court ruling that would have required immediate cleanup of coal...
NC Sierra Club decries wetlands, speed limit changes in reg reform bill
August 18, 2014
"In what seems to have become an annual tradition, the bill contains a number of provisions sought by regulated industry at the expense of the environment. This year's regulatory giveaways primarily benefit coastal developers at the expense of water...
Coal ash bill woefully incomplete, NC Sierra Club says
July 3, 2014
"There are no clear requirements in this legislation to ensure it does what it’s intended to do: remove the threat of coal ash to all our waters, and all our communities. Not only does the bill fail to add protections missing from the Senate version...
Say no to fracking in NC!
May 22, 2014
On May 20, S 786 (this year's fracking bill) was pushed through two committees and sent to the Senate floor. On May 21, the full Senate gave tentative approval to the measure, and we expect it to be heard in the House next week.S 786 contains a...