Craggy Mountains could be NC's first National Scenic Area
September 18, 2023
A swelling grassroots effort is pushing NC's congressional delegation to back the Great Craggy Mountains as our state's first National Scenic Area. NC Chapter executive committee member Drew Ball tells us about the work and where it stands.
News: Major global banks are financing deadly US coal plants thanks to climate commitment loopholes
August 30, 2023
A new report by the Sierra Club’s Fossil-Free Finance campaign reveals that major global banks are propping up deadly coal plants across the US - including those run by Duke Energy - by financing the parent companies that own them. This financing...
N.C. Utility Commission approves settlement to ease Duke Energy ratepayer burden
August 22, 2023
The N.C. Utilities Commission approved an “Affordability Settlement” between the Sierra Club, Duke Energy Progress (DEP) and Duke Energy Carolinas (DEC), which resolves low-income affordability issues in rate cases filed by DEP and DEC.
As part...
Duke Energy's carbon plan stinks
August 17, 2023
Duke Energy's new carbon reduction plan is full of missed opportunities - and a nuclear option.
The plan, filed on the eve of the first anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, misses the chance to take advantage of the new incentives for...
Legislative Update: Codes veto overridden; appointments, pro-nuke bills advance
August 16, 2023
North Carolina lawmakers took a break from budget battles to spend Wednesday overriding a variety of Gov. Roy Cooper's vetos of their bills. Other measures of concern to N.C. Sierrans also saw action towards passage.
The overrides includes H488,...
Hog waste biogas: Artificial demand, real environmental harm
August 16, 2023
Our summer fellows' research shows the "hogwash" inherent in proposals to turn factory farm hog waste into biofuels, and the danger posed by a proposal to offer federal incentives for this fuel.
News: Sierra Club, allies prepare for Pisgah-Nantahala plan lawsuit
July 26, 2023
A coalition of conservation groups including the Sierra Club sent a letter to the U.S. Forest Service signaling their intent to sue unless officials fix glaring flaws in the Nantahala-Pisgah Forest Plan that put endangered forest bats at risk...
Lawmakers, Groups Demand FERC Deny Mountain Valley Pipeline Southgate’s Extension Request
July 25, 2023
Yesterday, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) closed the comment period for the docket following the Mountain Valley Pipeline’s request for a three-year extension to complete the Southgate project that would extend the mainline into...
Let's put the heat on Duke Energy's rate hike request
July 20, 2023
More public hearings - and a strategy session - are planned as Duke Energy seeks approval for a rate increase that will mean an average 17% hike in North Carolina customers' bills.
Enviva and the threat to NC's forests from wood pellets
July 13, 2023
We took a cruise on the Cape Fear River in June for an update on the threats posed to Southern forests from the wood pellet industry.