Pruitt Seeks to Charge Americans More for More Pollution in Their Communities


Jonathon Berman,

Washington, DC -- Today, Scott Pruitt reportedly  formally began the process of rolling back the clean car standards. The clean car standards will limit carbon pollution by 6 billion tons, save consumers $1.7 trillion dollars in fuel costs, and reduce oil consumption by up to 4 million barrels every day. A recent poll found that nearly 7 in 10 American voters want the existing standards to remain protected.

Ford Motors representatives stood next to President Obama in support of the clean car standards when he first established them in 2011, but reversed their position and lobbied for the standards to be rolled back after Trump was elected. Just recently, the company refused to answer whether it accepts basic climate science.

Last week, it was revealed that Scott Pruitt secured a sweetheart deal to live in a townhouse owned by Steven Hart, the head of the DC lobbying firm Williams and Jensen. Hart’s firm represents the American Automotive Policy Council, which includes automakers such as Ford. While living in the home, Hart continued to have dinner parties and functions, raising questions about whether political fundraisers were held in the House while Pruitt was there. Hart and his firm have donated more than $600,000 to political candidates this year.

In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:

“These roll-backs from Scott Pruitt mean Americans will pay more at the pump while our air gets dirtier, just so Pruitt can help the corporate lobbyists and polluters who give him favors and marching orders. Pruitt cannot deny the fact that these widely-supported clean car standards will drive down pollution and cut costs for Americans at the pump, which is why he’s taken the facts about the standards off EPA’s website.

“Pruitt’s decision to side with Ford and the Auto Alliance rather than the overwhelming majority of Americans who want these clean car standards should come as no surprise as this is an administrator who focuses solely on what’s best for corporate polluters, not the public. But make no mistake, we will continue fighting back to protect these standards and the health of our communities. Scott Pruitt can try and hide from the public in first class, in his soundproof office, or in the homes of corporate lobbyists, but we will be loud and clear in calling for our families and our communities to be protected.”

About the Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is America’s largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization, with more than 3 million members and supporters. In addition to helping people from all backgrounds explore nature and our outdoor heritage, the Sierra Club works to promote clean energy, safeguard the health of our communities, protect wildlife, and preserve our remaining wild places through grassroots activism, public education, lobbying, and legal action. For more information, visit