5 Environmental Stories You Don't Want To Miss

Photo by iStockphoto/Rastan

February 26, 2016

EVs VS. OIL: According to a new report, electric vehicles are on their way to becoming as affordably priced as conventional gasoline cars. By as early as 2023, EVs could displace demand for 2 million barrels of oil per day, which could lead to an oil crisis similar to the one in 2014.

BUSTING LOGGERS: A new satellite-based warning system can alert officials to illegal logging within hours of the crime.

DESERT BLOOM: Thanks to heavy rainstorms last fall, Southern California’s Death Valley is enjoying its largest wildflower bloom in a decade. The valley’s typical monochrome is popping with color that, depending on the weather, should last through the spring.

CLIMATE POLITICS: A person's political ideology is one of the most likely indicators of whether or not they believe in climate change, according to a new study. The takeaways: The usual denier stereotypes (i.e., undereducated folks and older white males) don’t hold water, and people who acknowledge climate change don’t necessarily support climate action.

LIE OF OMISSION: The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear meltdown that rocked Japan in 2011 should have been announced within days of the incident, said the plant’s parent company in a statement. Instead, the company waited two months to announce what would become the world’s largest nuclear disaster since the 1986 Chernobyl accident.


Noah Schlager was born in the San Francisco Bay Area and raised in a mélange of Jewish and southern culture. He is equally at home with a shovel or a pen. Find him at @noahmschlager. 
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