An Edible Vacation on St. Kitts

The fare at Belle Mont Farm at Kittitian Hill, St. Kitts, is mostly local and organic.  | Photo by Kim-Marie Evans/Courtesy of Kittitian Hill

February 10, 2016
  • WHERE St. Kitts
  • HOW MUCH $625 per night for a double-occupancy guesthouse, including breakfast and airport transfers
  • MORE

Getting There

Kittitian Hill's gracious staffers meet you as you deplane at Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport. They escort you to a private lounge, give you lemongrass iced tea and spicy fish cakes, then transfer you into a chauffeured van for a breezy, 30-minute drive along the coast to the north end of St. Kitts. (Ask to stop in Old Road Town to see the mango tree next to Lover's Bar; it's adorned with dozens of old rum bottles.)

Best Moment

Foraging for ripe mangoes and other fruits and vegetables on the resort's grounds, followed by a cooking class taught by chef Christopher Letard, who shows you how to make mango butter or jam.

Favorite character

Winston Lake, whom everyone calls "the nurseryman," is happy to let you stroll his gardens and sample any of his more than 100 varieties of mangoes or 15 types of bananas, including the vanilla-tasting ice-cream banana. Having spent 43 of his 62 years working on local sugar estates, the gregarious Lake is also Kittitian Hill's unofficial historian. Without much prodding, he'll share stories of the old plantations and his country's past.

 Local Lore

The resort's Ian Woosnam-designed golf course, Irie Fields, is named for the Rastafarian word meaning "no worries." It's also the world's first edible golf course—lay up short of the sand trap and go pick some bananas for a snack. 

What's Green

Ninety percent of the fare at Kittitian Hill's restaurants comes from local purveyors and the resort's own organic farm. "Pick Me" signs abound on the property, and guests are encouraged to munch on anything ripe.

What's Not Green

Because Kittitian Hill sits at an elevation of 1,000 feet within Mt. Liamuiga's rain shadow, its managers are still figuring out how best to harness solar power.

Planet-Saving Opportunities

Local pride is big. Kittitian Hill is largely staffed by Kittitians. Employees learn skills that help them become eco-minded entrepreneurs. Come 2017, you'll be able to shop the on-site village to support the resident food vendors and artists.



David Lansing
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