Spring Greening

Photo courtesy of iStock

March 29, 2016

Spring is in the air! Cue the budding flowers, baby animals, and...cleaning products? With all of the harmful chemicals and wasteful purges, spring cleaning has fallen out of whack with all of the other beautiful things going on at this time of year. Let’s rethink how to go about sprucing up our nests with some fresh cleaning and greening ideas.


Before you start your spring-cleaning purge, hop online and check out the plethora of DIY projects. Watching someone turn trash into functional treasure might just inspire you to reuse some things that you might otherwise toss. Connect with the virtual thrifter community to figure out how you can turn an old t-shirt into a produce bag or even transform a bike tire into a belt. Giving new life to an old thing will not only save room in the landfills, but will probably also curb that desire to go out and buy something new. So go ahead, get crafty!


When it comes to keeping your house sparkling clean, don’t trust the ‘biohazard’ blue mystery liquid to do the job. Instead, opt for all-natural products, or better yet, make your own! It only takes a few simple ingredients to whip up your own laundry and dish soap, and opting out of store-bought products will eliminate the need for wasteful packaging. While you’re not at the store, think of alternatives to paper towels and disposable cleaning tools. Towels, rags, sponges, and mops perform the same tasks, but can easily be washed and reused. Sure, you have to put in a little extra effort, but no one said being an eco-hero would be easy.


Your home might look clean, smell clean, and feel clean, but invisible scuzz is probably floating all around. In poorly ventilated areas, harmful particulates that are emitted from furnishings, upholstery, synthetic building materials, and conventional cleaning products build up in the stagnant air. A study conducted by NASA found that plants can act as a chemical-removing filter for our indoor air. The stuff we breathe is pretty important, so keep it clean all year round by adding some potted plants to your abode. In exchange for a little water, sunlight, and healthy soil, plants will absorb harmful particulates and give you clean, breathable oxygen.


Spring cleaning can be a great opportunity to make the world a little cleaner too. While you’re untangling that mess of electrical cords, brainstorm ways you can use less energy in your home. A simple and inexpensive way to do this is by using powerstrips. When we leave appliances and other electronics plugged into outlets, they continue to soak up energy even when they’re not in use. Powering all these things with a powerstip will keep your cords organized and will allow you to easily cut off your elctronics' juice supply when you leave the room, go to work, or while sleeping. If you’re in the market for a new powerstrip, consider purchasing a smart power strip that will automatically cut the power off to a device that’s not in use.


With all the momentum gained from your spring cleaning crusade, set your sights on a fun new project. Spring is a time for growth, so take it upon yourself to grow some food and your skillset by starting an indoor garden. Herbs are a great candidate for indoor growing, and having a diverse array on hand will save you money and spice up your cooking. If you’re tight on space, window-farming is an inexpensive, DIY option that can be made from low-impact and recycled materials. The instructions for setting up one of these vertical hydroponic systems are free and open sourced, and there’s an entire online community to learn from and share your botanical success with. Now there's something more rewarding than scrubbing the toilet bowl! 




Michaella was an editorial intern at Sierra throughout winter 2016.  
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