5 Environmental Stories You Don't Want To Miss

Photo by iStockphoto/vencavolrab

May 19, 2016

BAD ENDING FOR BABY BISON: Just weeks after the bison became America’s national mammal, a baby bison in Yellowstone National Park had to be euthanized after tourists inappropriately “saved” the animal because it looked cold. Rangers tried to reunite the calf with its herd, but the newborn was rejected because of its prolonged exposure to humans.

TEENS SUE FOR CLIMATE: On Tuesday, four teenagers won a lawsuit against the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. The agency had failed to issue regulations required by law to meet the state’s targeted emissions goals. This follows similar youth-led rulings last month in Oregon and Washington.

CLEAN POWER IN PORTUGAL: Portugal ran on 100 percent renewable energy for four consecutive days last week, a 107-hour record made possible by the country’s recent investments in wind and solar energy.

TRUMP PICKS CLIMATE SKEPTIC: Congressman Kevin Cramer (R-ND) revealed last week that he is writing the white paper for presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump’s energy policy leading up to the energy summit in Bismarck, North Dakota, at the end of the month. Cramer says he believes climate change was "created by and for the Chinese," but that he might support a carbon tax.

CLIMATE SCIENTISTS SACKED: Preeminent climate scientist John Church is one of 275 climate change scientists recently laid off by Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (Csiro).


Sarah was a summer 2016 editorial intern at Sierra.
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