Trump Watch: Trying to Keep Track of a Runaway Administration

April 26, 2018

 President Donald Trump proposes cutting EPA funding by 23 percent and funding for Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay restoration programs by 90 percent. He wants to bankroll maintenance in national parks by expanding oil and gas drilling on public lands and waters.

Trump imposes 30 percent tariffs on solar panels from Asia.

Trump says he "didn't really care" about opening up Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling until a friend in the oil industry asked him to.

For the third time, Trump waives environmental regulations for construction of his proposed border wall, drawing a lawsuit from the Sierra Club's Environmental Law Program. Judge Gonzalo Curiel, whom Trump once derided for his Mexican heritage, sides with the government. Ten of 12 members of the National Park System Advisory Board resign.

The Sierra Club and others sue the Department of Energy for ignoring five Obama-era energy-efficiency rules for air conditioners and other appliances. A federal court orders the agency to publish the rules.

The Trump administration ignores so many Freedom of Information Act requests from the Sierra Club that Club attorneys file a FOIA request asking for details on FOIA procedures. The administration refuses, and the Environmental Law Program sues it again.

EPA administrator Scott Pruitt deletes from his Twitter feed a picture of himself with the proprietors of a Florida nursery (whom he called "#TrueEnvironmentalists") after it is revealed that they grow medicinal cannabis.

This article appeared in the May/June 2018 edition with the headline "Trump Watch: Industry's Wish List."


Paul Rauber is a senior editor at Sierra. You can follow him on Twitter @paulrauber or on Bluesky
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