ICYMI: A Legal Win Against the Border Wall, a Tireless Bird & More

Illustrations by Peter Arkle
October 15, 2020

A bar-tailed godwit flies 7,500 miles from Alaska to New Zealand, setting a world record for avian nonstop flight. 

In a 2-to-1 ruling in the case of Sierra Club v. Trump, a federal appeals court concludes that the Trump administration’s attempts to use $3.6 billion in military funding to pay for the wall along the US-Mexico border is illegal. 

During her Supreme Court confirmation hearings, federal judge Amy Coney Barrett is asked about her views on climate change. She responds, “I’ve read about climate change. I’m certainly not a scientist. I mean, I’ve read things on climate change. I would not say I have firm views on it.” When subsequently asked whether climate change is happening, Barrett refuses to answer and calls climate change “a matter of public policy … one that is politically controversial.”

Swedish corporation Ikea—pioneer of the idea of disposable furniture—announces it will buy back thousands of pieces of used furniture for recycling or donation to community projects.

Prosecutions of environmental crimes have plummeted during the Trump administration, according to a new report from the University of Michigan Law School. 

A ring-tailed lemur has gone missing from the San Francisco Zoo, and police are now investigating the issue as a possible burglary—make that kidnapping.

A United Nations report warns that unless political and business leaders become much bolder about tackling climate change, the planet will turn into "an uninhabitable hell for millions of people."

Voters in Colorado are preparing to vote on a ballot measure about whether to reintroduce gray wolves to the state—the first time that a rewilding program has been decided by popular vote. 

The Cameron Peak Fire in Colorado expands to more than 30,000 acres in size, making it the largest wildfire in the state’s history

Firefighters are struggling to contain a fire on Mt. Kilimanjaro, the tallest peak in Africa.   

A helicopter pilot conducting aerial water drops on the Creek Fire in California is surprised by an owl that flies through a window and lands in the cockpit then flies out about 10 minutes later. 

Maui County in Hawai'i becomes the latest local jurisdiction to file a lawsuit against the major fossil fuel companies, seeking to recover damages from climate-change-related disasters and rising sea levels. 


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