Energy Efficiency for Multifamily Property Owners

Use this calculator to find out how much money you can save with the IRA:

Energy Star Rebate Finder


Energy Star Certified Heating and Cooling Equipment

Pros: will make your home more energy efficient for heating and cooling, save money on bills, upgrade for your home, lots of rebates available until 2032

Cons: Large investment cost including product and labor

  • Dominion offers up to $750 rebate
  • Upgrading home equipment means overall more efficient home and use of appliances


Home Energy Monitors

Pros: Shows you what devices pull the most energy and cost more, may connect to internet to give you accessible information, can tell you what  is your monthly use and track higher and lower months for educational purposes

Cons: may be an expensive setup, requires some education, may not be fit for older homes and less efficient appliances, works best in coordination with other devices which could be expensive

  • Gives an idea of what your home is using in terms of energy 
  • Can help estimate bills
  • May recognize weight of specific items in your home
  • Some utilities offer this feature in the apps and you can see your monthly vs yearly through tracking