Take Action: Stop Utility Shutoffs During the Pandemic

Stop Utility Shutoffs During COVID-19


Clean water is our front line of defense against COVID-19. Yet thousands of households don't have access to running water, and utility companies are continuing to shut off services during the pandemic.

Help protect vulnerable families and demand Congress pass a nationwide moratorium on utility shutoffs. Sign our petition via Messenger today — it's easy, takes 60 seconds, and we'll keep you updated on this and other environmental news.

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Utility shutoffs take place behind closed doors. They may not be as visible as miles-long lines at food banks, but the problem they represent is no less real.

Every household needs clean water and electricity to stay healthy.

These are critical utility services that keep people healthy at home, and loss of access is disproportionately impacting low-income families and communities of color. Join this urgent call to action via Messenger, and we'll keep you updated on this and other environmental news.

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