The Sierra Club has networks of activists at the state and national levels. There are many ways to get involved, starting with something as easy as subscribing to an e-mail list and receiving alerts of pending environmental legislation, regulatory measures, meetings and other calls to action. Your response can vary from sending an email or letter to your representatives, to attending local or regional meetings, researching issues, to getting involved in community outreach in an issue campaign to raise awareness and garner support.
The first step is to learn about local issues and become aware of how they affect you, the larger community, and the environment. Each issue may have complex interactions, but overall the club strives for solutions which help acheive more sustainable and liveable communities.
Sustainability involves efficient use (conservation) of natural resources - land, water, air and energy. Liveable commmunities are those which are safe and healthy, provide for outdoor recreation like walking and biking, and involve mixed use - that is they have homes, shopping, employment and entertainment facilities within walking distance.
Great Falls Group - Local Activities
A. Clean Energy for Fairfax Now The Sierra Club Great Falls Group (GFG) has launched a Clean Energy for Fairfax Now (CEFNN) initiative to reduce the use of fossil fuel-fired electricity and fuels by the Fairfax County government, residences, and businesses, by increasing energy efficiency and substituting renewable energy sources. This initiative grew out of the current review of the January 2017 draft Fairfax County Environmental Vision, which is weak on clean energy. GFG members are meeting with Fairfax County officials to encourage them to take action and aggressively implement energy efficiency and renewable measures to meet the greenhouse gas reduction goals of the 2007 Cool Counties Declaration.
Here is some background information:
1. Cool Counties
2. Fairfax County Environmental Vision
Fairfax County Environmental Vision page (Has Vision latest version and the public comments from the survey public meetings)
B. Public Waste
Trash Action Work Force (TAWF) - Battle of the Bottle
C. Transportation
Upper Potomac River Bridge
I-66 Widening