Get Involved!

The Potomac River Group of the Sierra Club conducts a number of activities and programs. Please check off any activities that are of interest to you. Don't worry about lack of experience; the Sierra Club is grassroots—we all work together as volunteers.

We work to elect environmentally sound government representatives and maintain ongoing dialogs with politicians. One way to do this is by making Sierra Club candidate endorsements. We also participate in election campaigns at volunteer nights.
Your help is needed to
Each year the Mount Vernon Group engages its members, local civic groups, local elected officials and other community partners in some very focused, specific environmental campaigns. These campaigns usually involve staging public events, tabling at existing community events, meeting with local elected officials, writing letters to the editors of local papers, and more. Your participation can be big or small, depending on your available time and interest!
Let us know your interests:
We prepare and distribute the Mount Vernon Sierran newsletter, which is sent out 4 times per year to our members. We also maintain an email listserv, a Group web site, and engage our members via social networking.
Volunteers are needed to:
The Group enjoys social events like happy hours, picnics, and dinner gatherings at restaurants featuring locally-grown foods. The Group also promotes Potomac Region Outings, a section of the Sierra Club in the Metropolitan Washington D.C. area that sponsors events like hikes and canoe trips. You can find out more about SCPRO at
Would you like to:
The Executive Committee, or ExCom, is the leadership of the Mount Vernon Group. Elected by the group membership, the ExCom makes official group policy and coordinates all programs and activities. The MVG ExCom meets about 5 times per year, including at our annual planning meeting in January. ExCom meetings are open to all members, and are a good way to learn about and guide the environmental priorities and daily activities of the group.
Are you interested in:
Let us know if you have special interests or skills or items of interest that you can share or contribute to the Sierra Club