New Leader Training

With the last stretch of summer days on the horizon, we’re looking forward to another great year of getting kids outside with Seattle ICO. Right now, We're actively recruiting new leaders for our 2016-17 school year! Read more to learn about our training, our organization, and how you can sign up to be a volunteer!

New Leader Training weekend!

New Leader Training

This year, our annual training will be held on September 10-11, 2016 at Guye Cabin. “NLT” is one of the few times a year where a large group of ICO volunteers get together, socialize, and set the tone for the next year of leadership. The energy is amazing throughout the weekend! After setting out your sleeping bag on the bunks, we all congregate together, make introductions, get down to the basics of our mission, play outside in a beautiful location, and learn the nuts and bolts of Seattle ICO. We supply all the training materials and meals for the weekend. It’s basically summer camp for adults ☺

Have you been thinking about volunteering with us?

Have a friend or family member who’s interested in joining us?

Here’s what to expect as a volunteer:

Each school year, we recruit 20-25 new volunteers to help organize weekend outings as well as get involved behind the scenes supporting the growth and development of Seattle ICO. Each volunteer is expected to go on four or more outings a year. Additional opportunities to run the organization are amply available, such as: organizing social events, grant writing, publicity, gear locker management. Volunteers are what shape this organization to be what it is today! 

Want to learn more?

Reach out to Alisha Migliore, Volunteer Coordinator ( with questions.

What is Seattle ICO?

  • As an all-volunteer led organization, our sole mission is to get kids outside, i.e. hiking, backpacking, whitewater rafting, mountain biking, surfing, you name it!

  • We serve hundreds of Seattle area youth each year, from elementary through high school, by cultivating relationships with selected Seattle Public Schools based on need. Trips are free for youth and everything needed for the day is provided by Seattle ICO -- all they have to do is show up! 

  • Our volunteers come from all backgrounds and skill levels to connect youth with the outdoors, creating long lasting memories and a lifelong appreciation for our natural world.

Helpful Links:

Seattle ICO Gets Girls to Annette Lake, Seattle Backpacker Magazine

Volunteer with Us

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Cheers to another great year of getting kids outside! See you at Guye Cabin!

ICO Co-Chair,

Raffaela Oeler