Other Environmental Issues

Other Environmental Issues:

Recent news published in the Democrat-Gazette:

4/21/24 - For small steps individuals can take to fight global warming, refer to Richard Mason's article on page 2H

4/21/24 - The House Natural Resources Committee approved HR7408, advancing legislation related to state wildlife and habitat conservation efforts. For arguments on both sides, refer to article starting on pg 1B.

4/14/24 - Bird Flu outbreak in cattle spreads - Refer to article starting on pg 1A






Older Issues:

Feral Pig Hunting

11/13/22 - Su - Today's Democrat-Gazette (page 4C) includes an article on feral pig hunting and related digital imaging. Feral pigs in the state continue to increase in number despite efforts at control.

Failing the state - This is environmental quality?

10/13/17 - Night is day. Up is down. War is peace. And the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality is using our tax dollars to fight against cleaner air for our state. .....READ MORE. .....GUEST OPINION - By GLEN HOOKS - SPECIAL TO THE DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE

Chronic Wasting Disease in Deer & Elk

The 6/5/2016 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette has a multi-page article on this issue.

For more information, go to one of the following web sites:
Arkansas - www.agfc.com
Other states: http://cwd-info.org/
Europe: See AGFC site for info

If you see a deer or elk you suspect of having CWD, please report it at one of the following (mentioned on the AGFC web site or television information):
cwdinfo@agfc.ar.gov or call 1-800-482-9262.

Invasive Plants and Native Alternates

(Info received in an e-mail message from SS): Fayetteville Mayor Lionel Jordan committed to aiding in the effort of restoring habitats for monarch butterflies through the Mayor’s Monarch Pledge with the National Wildlife Federation. More info is at the following URL which includes links to 3 pdf brochures that may be of interest:


1. Educational packet (pdf)
2. Wildscaping with Ozark Native Plants - Native Wildflowers and Grasses (pdf)
3. Ozark-Friendly Landscape - Native Trees and Shrubs (pdf)

Little Rock Street and Drainage Improvement Program

Little Rock is hosting community meetings to share plans for each ward. All meetings are at 6 pm on the dates indicated below. For more info, check the 12/6 - Sunday's - Arkansas Democrat-Gazette pg 2B or go to www.littlerock.org and select (near bottom of page) Sales Tax Projects by Wards 2016-2018.

Ward 1 - M 12/7, Ward 2 - Th 12/3, Ward 3 - W 12/2, Ward 4 - W 12/9,
Ward 5 - M 11/23, Ward 6 - M 11/30, Ward 7 - Th 12/10

Interstate 30 Benton to Little Rock Corridor Study

11/22 - The AHTD will hold two public involvement meetings to present and discuss the I-30 corridor from Benton to Little Rock: (1) Monday Dec. 7 from 4 to 7 pm at the Geyer Springs First Baptist Church, 12400 Interstate 30, Little Rock and (2) Tuesday Dec. 8 from 4 to 7 pm at the Grace Church, 4200 Hwy 5, Bryant.

Interstate 30 Bridge Expansion

1/21 issue of Arkansas Times has a couple of related articles:
The Big Picture - A healthy boulevard, not a concrete wound
Smart growth? Not in LR  by Max Brantley

11/15 - This project proposes to widen, reconstruct, and rehabilitate portions of Interstates 30 and 40, including widening the Arkansas River Bridge. The comment period has been extended to December 6. Comment Forms are available to download (see next paragraph), and comments may be sent to: Connecting Arkansas Program, RE: 30 Crossing Public Meeting, 4701 Northshore Drive, North Little Rock, AR 72118, info@30Crossing.com   ... An additional Town Hall Meeting has been scheduled for 11/16 in Little Rock.

11/12 issue of Arkansas Times (pages 14 to 23) has a lengthy discussion of freeway expansion issues.
11/5 - Deadline for written comments on I-30 expansion plan (following 10/22 public involvement meeting. (Click HERE for handout.) For a copy of Citizen Comment Form, click HERE. It appears that the large traffic loops at 3rd Street will be removed with the current nearby parking lots possibly changed to green space with pedestrian/bicycle routes under I-30. There are apparently no good options for connection to La Harpe so this is still being studied. Someone mentioned that LaHarpe east of State St could be closed, but this would cause other problems. Elimination of the parking lots will hinder access to the Central Arkansas Nature Center and nearby facilities. It is unclear whether the current plan will eliminate the river rail (passenger line) under and east of I-30. Check THIS PDF FILE for a copy of maps showing possible planned paths. (Light yellow lines are proposed paths.)

10/22 Th - NLR - The Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD) will hold a public involvement meeting to present and discuss plans to widen Interstate 30 in Little Rock and North Little Rock between Interstate 40 and Interstate 530. The meeting will be held from 4 to 7 pm at Friendly Chapel Church of the Nazarene (Gym), 116 South Pine Street. NOTE: The latest plan cannot accommodate Metro Streetcars east of I-30. If the streetcar is closed, the state will be required to repay the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) the money provided by the FTA.

Banned Pesticide - Methyl Bromide
Use in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands

11/29/15 - Methyl bromide is a potent neurotoxin that affects the nervous system. In the US, methyl bromide has been banned for residential use since 1984 but is still used (although being phased out) for agriculture purposes. (It's commonly used on strawberries in California.) The chemical may have been recently used in hotels or other rentals in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. Anyone planning a stay in these locations should inquire if their buildings have been treated with pesticides. See related info below. For more information, check the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Sunday Nov. 29 page 4A or go to http://abcnews.go.com/Health/poisoned-paradise-pesticide-methyl-bromide/story?id=30119220 

Use of Methyl Bromide

10/19/15 - Protection of Stratospheric Ozone: The 2016 Critical Use Exemption From the Phaseout of Methyl Bromide - This EPA rule concerns Clean Air Act restrictions on the consumption, production, and use of methyl bromide (a Class I, Group VI controlled substance) for critical uses. EPA is authorizing the uses that will qualify for the critical use exemption as well as specific amounts of methyl bromide that may be produced and imported for those critical uses for 2016. For more info, see the Federal Register for 10/15/15.

Fayetteville - Use of chemicals to retard growth

11/22/15 - Pesticide use on trees near utility lines in Fayetteville has been put on hold after residents raised questions. The utility may begin using the method elsewhere first. For more info, click HERE.

Arkansas State Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Plan

11/1/15 - The 2015 update of the plan is available for public review and comment. Comments will be accepted until November 20, 2015. For information about the plan and how to submit comments, go to http://arkansasbikepedplan.com/get-involved

Invasive Species - Crapemyrtle Bark Scale

9/19/15 - Crapemyrtle bark scale (CMBS) is easy to identify since, in the U.S., it is the first and only known bark scale to occur on crapemyrtles. The adult females appear as white or gray felt-like encrustations on small twigs to large trunks, often appearing near pruning wounds or in branch crotches on older wood. On the most current flush of growth and under heavy infestation, distribution may be more uniform. Up close, CMBS is white to gray in color and approximately 2 mm in length. Careful examination may reveal dozens of pink eggs or crawlers under some of the larger white scale covers. Most gardeners will be alerted to CMBS by black sooty mold which appears on the bark. The presence of sooty mold may confuse the diagnosis since that is also commonly associated with a significant aphid problem. For more information, go to http://www.uaex.edu/publications/PDF/fsa-7086.pdf

Invasive Species - Feral Hogs

4/5/15 - Feral hog problems in Arkansas described as 'World War III' - Arkansas farmers are resorting to combat analogies when describing damage done by rooting and wallowing feral hogs. [Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 4/5/15 page 9V]. Web sites with related information: http://www.uaex.edu/environment-nature/wildlife/feral-hogs.aspx andhttp://agrilifeextension.tamu.edu/solutions/feral-hogs/ 

Threatened Status for Bats

4/3/15 - US gives threatened status to northern long-eared bat. Interim rules go into effect May 4 with final rules by year end. - http://www.fws.gov/midwest/news/778.html - also see Cave Closure below for related info

Dam & Reservoir on the Fourche LaFave?

1/11/15 - Subsequent to the death of several people during a 2013 flood, Scott County Judge James Forbes is determined to do something to stem the flooding and to help agricultural production. A reservoir has been proposed. Obstacles include money, land (owned by the U.S. Forest Service), and environmental protection. Tom McKinney, conservation chair for the Arkansas Sierra Club, said loss of life is tragic, but there are usually other ways than a reservoir to manage flooding.

"I always am sorry for any loss of life due to drowning, but building a lake is not going to solve that problem," he said. "It is a huge shift in the total ecosystem of the area." Small ponds on private property would help curtail flooding while benefiting farmersand helping the local ecosystem, he said. Alake would destroy the homes of some animals and change the nature of the habitat downstream.

"Wherever people want to put a lake, it's usually for more than just one reason," McKinney said. "Inevitably when you get a lake, you then start having real estate development on the shores of the lake. ...For more info, see the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 1/11/15 page 1G.     [TOP]

New Mosquito-borne Illness

1/11/15 - Chikungunya (chicken-GUN-ya) virus has reached the northern Mexico state of Sonora and could begin spreading across Arkansas this Spring. Chikungunya causes fever and severe joint pain, often in the hands and feet. Other symptoms include headache, muscle pain, joint swelling and a rash. for more info, see today's Conway Log Cabin Democrat page 5A

Invasive Species - Kudzu Bugs

1/18/15 - The bugs, first spotted in Georgia have spread as far as Arkansas. Their favorite food is kudzu but they also eat soybean plants. For more information, see today's Democrat-Gazette page 4A or go to http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2015/01/kudzu_bug_infestations_wreakin.html     [TOP]

Invasive Species - Emerald Ash Borer

4/12/15 update: Ash trees need to be treated now to prevent attack from the emerald ash borer. (See Arkansas-Democrat 4/12/15 page 10V for complete article.)

10/19/14 update: The Emerald Ash Borer has recently been found to also affect fringe (in addition to ash) trees.

July 2014 - QUARANTINE ON MOVEMENT OF FIRE WOOD - Most of Southern Arkansas has recently been added to the Emerald Ash Borer quarantine area. Movement of any firewood out of the quarantine area is prohibited. The Emerald Ash Borer is an invasive species (native to China) that has rapidly spread across much of the Central U.S. The movement of firewood is believed to be a significant factor in the beetle's rapid spread. The Emerald Ash Borer could eventually wipe out all ash trees in the U.S. For more information, go to www.emeraldashborer.info or www.arinvasives.org

Record Temperatures in 2014

High temperatures across most of the globe made 2014 Earth's hottest year in records dating back to 1880. The combined land and ocean temperatures on the planet was 1.24 deg. F above the 20th Century average, per NOAA. Average annual sea ice in the Arctic fell to 10.99 million sq mi (6th smallest in 36 years of record keeping) while Antarctic ice totaled 13.08 million sq mi, the most on record. (See Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 1/17/15 page 4A for more information.)     [TOP]

Fracking 101

Looking for an easy-to-understand -- and easy-to-share -- explanation of fracking? The Sierra club has just what you're looking for. Fracking 101 is a visually crisp animated video, narrated by actor and director Edward James Olmos in both English and Spanish, that explains in two-and-a-half minutes why hydraulic fracturing is such a bad idea.

Wildfire Risk

The Arkansas Forestry Commission has joined the Southern Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal. For more information, go to www.southernwildfirerisk.com     [TOP]

Cave Closure

CAVE CLOSURES - The Regional Forester for the Southern Region of the U.S. Forest Service has extended the closure order for all caves and mines on National Forest system lands until 2019 to help prevent the spread of white-nose syndrome, a disease fatal for many species of bats. In Arkansas’ national forests, all caves are closed, with the exception of Blanchard Springs Caverns in Stone County.

USFS Alerts/Closures/Public Notices:
Ozark - St. Francis National Forests - http://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/osfnf/alerts-notices
Ouachita National Forest - http://www.fs.usda.gov/alerts/ouachita/alerts-notices

Location Advisories

Outings Leaders planning trips to other states can find other trail restrictions on the Club web site under Location Advisories. As of mid-2014, such advisories exist only for Arizona and Illinois.     [TOP]