
To create a button in your text, a button class has to be added to a link. If the classes are added to the style of a Paragraph or DIV, the button will not look correct. If your button is spanning the page, it is likely that the class is not on the link, but on the surrounding HTML, or span tag. If your button link is the wrong color, it's likely a similar issue

  1. Create a link then select/highlight it.
  2. From the wysywig toolbar, within the styles dropdown, choose a button style.
  3. Your link should now be a button.
  4. Troubleshooting -- it seems like this works better if there is text or space on either side of the link. Just add a space before you create the link, then choose the style.

btn-primary test

btn-forest-green test

btn-white-navy test

btn-gold test



Use these buttons sparingly. You'd have to add these by hand through HTML.

.btn-action-left class

.btn-action-right class

.btn-action-right action--secondary class

.btn-outlined .outline-green classes