Sierra Club Political Action Committee statement on Jen McEwen’s Victory in Senate District 7

For Immediate Release
Contact: Peter Wagenius, Legislative Director 612-799-5007

Sierra Club MN PAC put the bulk of its primary budget and volunteer resources into the Senate District 7 contest. After progressive challenger Jen McEwen’s victory over incumbent Senator Erik Simonson, Sierra Club released the following statement from Legislative Director Peter Wagenius:

"This is a great day for Duluth. Jen McEwen will be an effective progressive Senator on many issues, and it’s a great day for all Minnesotans because we are one vote closer to finally taking real action on the climate and growing jobs in a new green economy that can lift everyone up.  

The size of McEwen’s victory is also a warning.  Incumbent legislators who vote against the environment do so at their peril.  Progressive leaders in other districts can take inspiration from Jen McEwen and know that when you run a strong grassroots campaign and show your strength, organizations like Sierra Club and TakeAction Minnesota will be there to help you with grassroots organizing and turning out the vote."

Read about more Sierra Club’s primary victories great wins at our blog.