Spring Electronics Recycling

SierraScape April - May 2008
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by Christine Favilla
Piasa Palisades Group, Sierra Club

The Sierra Club is sponsoring several E-Waste Collections this year. While we have all the details on the first three events, we are still planning the Collinsville and Hardin events. Keep an eye out for more details in the very near future!

All E-Waste Collections this year will take place from 9am-4pm and will use TOTALL Metal Recycling as the processor. Their processing capability allows them to shred steel, circuit boards, wires, and other components in Granite City. They are an ISO9001-Certified Quality Management System for the recycling of ferrous, non-ferrous metals, electronic, plastic, and cardboard scrap.

Anything that has/had a plug or a battery will be recycled! Most everything will be accepted for free, except the following: televisions $15 fee; computer monitors $10 fee; large appliances $5 fee. The fees go to the hazardous waste landfill; the Sierra Club does NOT make any money off of the items. No Freon-containing white goods or household hazardous wastes will be accepted. Sorry!

Saturday, April 19th from 9am-4pm at Alton Square Mall's lower level Sears' parking lot; 200 Alton Square Drive; Alton, IL 62002; Sunday, May 18th from 9am-4pm at Edwardsville's YMCA Meyer Center parking lot; 7348 Goshen Road in Edwardsville, IL 62025; Saturday, May 31st from 9am-4pm at Jerseyville Banking Center's parking lot, corner of North State and West Exchange; Jerseyville, IL 62052.

Co-Sponsors include: TOTALL Metal Recycling; Coyote Management; Edwardsville YMCA; Jerseyville Banking Center; Jersey County Board; Jerseyville Rotary Club; Panera Bread; add your business/group here: let me know if you can co-sponsor one or more of these events!

We need volunteers. If you are able to give an hour or two of your time to either direct traffic or take items out of vehicles, please call 618-462-6802 or e-mail me the event and time that you are able to help: cfavilla10@sbcglobal.net

Please tell your friends and neighbors about these events; help them to dispose of these items properly.