Renewable Energy: We Are Doing Something About It

SierraScape June - July 2008
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by Becky Denney
Contributing Member

Sierra Club Activists are working feverishly with other environmentalists in Missouri to put the proposed law certified as the "Renewable Energy Standard" on the November ballot. Many of you have been collecting signatures and know that we are required to have over 90,000 voter signatures into the Secretary of State by May 5. This petition has been public for only 2 months but Missouri voters now have a momentum to control our energy use and energy research which we must continue. Solutions for renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy conservation are the important drivers to a Missouri future of clean air and clean water, fertile soil and healthy forests.

Last year the Sierra Cub was one of the sponsors for the Ozark Renewable Energy and Sustainable Living Expo held near Columbia, MO. The purpose of the event was to help individuals learn about renewable energy technology and learn how to live sustainably. But the Ozark Expo was also part of a larger effort to transition from Missouri's heavy reliance on fossil fuels to use of renewable energy. Our present effort to put this proposed RES law on the November ballot is a giant step to that goal since it requires the investor owned electric utilities to generate or buy as much as 15% of their energy from renewable energy sources by the end of 2020.

On April 23 KCP&L, one of the electric utilities which would be affected by this law, endorsed the RES ballot initiative. KCP&L is a subsidiary of Great Plains Incorporated. As you may know, Missouri Sierra Club has been working with them on energy efficiency legislation since our landmark agreement in March, 2007. The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Mike Chesser of Great Plains Energy had this to say: "A strong renewable energy policy benefits our customers by reducing costs and stimulating the growth of the renewable energy industry locally. Policies such as this, coupled with tax credits for construction of new renewable electricity generation, benefit consumers as the sources of electricity are diversified and renewable electricity generation costs are low."

Despite the cooperation of one electric utility, we know we can't wait for the Missouri legislature to pass legislation which pushes us into a low-carbon energy economy. Somehow our state legislators don't get the picture that our economic prosperity and energy security depend on investment in and use of renewable energy.

In fact, they are bending over backwards to work with one utility company which built a gas-fired plant in Cass County despite a permanent court injunction prohibiting construction before it was built. House Bill 2468 overrides the courts and local officials who construction of the plant built by Aquila, Inc. The bill was sponsored by Rep. Shane Schoeller, R-Willard and recently passed a preliminary vote in the Missouri House. The bill has not been passed by the Senate but it is one tragic example of how a utility company has powerful friends and can evade local laws. Whether it is a case of the Missouri legislature passing a law that could be a tragic precedent or not acting at all, it is up to us as citizens to take charge of our energy use.

It may be several months before we have confirmation that the proposed "Renewable Energy Standard" initiative will be on the November, 2008 ballot. Our effort to increase use of renewable energy will continue in numerous ways. We will network with voters to discuss the importance of renewable energy.. Your faith-and my faith in renewable energy, energy conservation, and energy efficiency will strengthen our fight against Global Warming. Your everyday stories about changes in your life can keep our low-carbon energy campaign in the public eye. Tell your story! Send a short e-mail to your local newspaper describing the actions you take to lower your energy use.