Election 2008: The Environment Needs You

SierraScape August - September 2008
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by Rick Haeseler
Missouri Chapter Political Chair

During every election voters are given the opportunity to reelect deserving officeholders and remove those who haven't earned their support. For Sierra Club members a key factor in determining whether a candidate deserves their vote is how strongly a candidate works to protect the environment.

The 2008 election is different from previous elections, because for the first time the general public is conscious of global warming and renewable energy as serious issues. As we all know the issues are not new, but the public awareness is. Many new Representatives and Senators are needed at both the state and federal level to take immediate action on these issues.

During each election members of Sierra Club Political Committees at every level work to determine which candidates deserve the Club's support. In this issue are endorsements for offices from state legislature to the President. The Political Committees have assessed incumbents based on their performance in office, and challengers based on their stated positions, gathered from questionnaires and interviews. This process is continuing and there will be more endorsements in the near future.

With 700,000 members and well over 100 years of protecting the environment, the Sierra Club is recognized as a major force in the environmental movement. The Club's endorsement is valued by candidates and gives them credibility with environmentally oriented voters.

As usual in 2008 Sierra Club members will vote for candidates that support protecting our environment. This year we need to do more than just vote. If we each work 10 hours for an endorsed candidate's campaign it would make a major difference. More candidates who support protecting the wild places will be elected. Renewable energy will have increased support. The influence of the Sierra Club will grow and allow us to be more effective.

Each campaign determines what kind of volunteer services are needed. Activities such as making copies, taking phone messages or stuffing envelopes are needed by all campaigns. Some candidates need people to knock on doors and hand out their information.

If there isn't an endorsed candidate in your district, work in the district next to yours or for a statewide candidate. If we give candidates not only our endorsement but also our time they will listen more seriously when we call them about a bill we favor. If you're a Sierra Club member, one of the best things you can do for the environment is work to get our endorsed candidates elected.

If you know of a campaign that deserves your support, call and offer your services. If you don't know how to get involved, call the Sierra Club office and leave your information. Someone from the Political Committee will help put you in touch with a deserving campaign.

Whatever candidate you work for, proudly tell them that you're a Sierra Club member.